Dictionaries | References व विड Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 विड A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | विड mn. mn. a kind of salt (either factitious salt, procured by boiling earth impregnated with saline particles, or a partic. kind of fetid salt used medicinally as a tonic aperient, commonly called Vit-lavan or Bit-noben cf.विड्-लवण; it is black in colour and is prepared by fusing fossil silt with a small portion of Emblic Myrobalan, the product being muriate of soda with small quantities of muriate of lime, sulphur, and oxide of iron), [Suśr.] विड m. m.N. of a country and its king, [Inscr.] a fragment, bit, portion (?), [W.] Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 विड Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit English | | विड n. (-डं) 1. Factitious salt, or salt procured by boiling soil found near the sea-shore, or any earth impregnated with saline particles. [Page655-b+ 60] 2. A particular fetid kind of salt, used as a tonic aperient, com- monly called black salt or Vit-lavaṇ, prepared by fusing fossile- salt with a small portion of Emblic myrobalans; the produce is muriate of soda with small quantities of muriate of lime, sulphur and oxid of iron. 3. A part, a fracture, a bit. E. विड् to divide, aff. क . ROOTS:विड् क . Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP