Dictionaries | References


Script: Devanagari
See also:  विभावना


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English
vibhāvana n S विभावना f S Considering, examining, investigating. 2 Conceiving, imagining, supposing.


नस्त्री . १ विचार ; संशोधन ; तपासणी . २ कल्पना ; तर्क ; भावना ; समज ; समजूत . [ सं . ] विभावनीय - वि . १ विचार करण्यासारखें ; संशोध्य . २ कल्पना करण्यास , समजण्यास योग्य , शक्य . विभावित - धावि . १ विचार केलेलें , शोधून पाहिलेलें . २ कल्पिलेलें ; मानलेलें , गृहीत धरलेलें , समजलेलें .


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English
वि-°भावन  mfn. mfn. causing to appear, developing, manifesting, [Hariv.]
वि °भावन
वि-°भावन  n. n. causing to appear or become visible, development, creation, [BhP.] (Sch. = पालन)
वि °भावन
showing, manifesting, [Kull.] on [Mn. ix, 76]
clear perception, examination, judgement, clear ascertainment, [Mn.] ; [Vikr.]
(ifc.) reflection on [Kathās.]
the act of producing a partic. emotion by a work of art, [Sāh.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English
विभावन  nf.  (-नं-ना)
1. Discussion, examination, discrimination.
2. Per- ceiving, seeing, distinguishing.
3. Conceiving, imagination.
4. Ascertaining or judging of facts.
5. Describing effects not arising. from the usual causes, (in rhetoric.)
E. वि before, भू in the 10th cl. to think, &c., aff. युच् .
वि भू युच् .

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