वि-वर्त aवि-वर्तन &c. See under वि-√ वृत्, p.988. वि-वर्त m. bm. ‘the revolving one’, N. of the sky, [VS.] ; [TS.] a whirlpool, [SV.] turning round, rolling onwards, moving about, [Mcar.] turning away, [L.] dance, [L.] changing from one state to another, modification, alteration, transformation, altered form or condition, [Kāv.] ; [Kathās.] (in वेदान्त) error, illusion, an apparent or illusory form, unreality (caused by अ-विद्या, ‘ignorance’, and removed by विद्या, ‘true knowledge’), [Vedântas.] collection, multitude, [L.] अत्रेः (with ) N. of two सामन्s, [ĀrṣBr.]