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   { viśiṣ }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
वि-√ शिष्   P.-शिनष्टि, to distinguish, make distinct or different, particularize, specify, define, [Sāṃkhyak.] ; [Sarvad.] ;
to distinguish (from others), prefer to (instr.), [MBh.] ;
to augment, enhance, [MBh.] :
Pass.-शिष्यते, to be distinguished or particularized by (instr.), differ from (abl. or instr.), [Prāt.] ; [Ragh.] ;
to be pre-eminent, excel, be better than (abl. or instr.) or best among (gen. or loc.), [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c.:
Caus.-शेषयति, to distinguish, define, specify, [Pat.] ; [Kāś.] ;
to prefer, [Kām.] ;
to enhance the worth or value of (acc.), [Bhartṛ.] ;
to surpass, excel, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.:
Pass.-शेष्यते, to be of much account, [MBh. i, 3174] (v.l.)
वि √ शिष्


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
विशिष् [viśiṣ]   7 [P.]
   To particularize, individualize, specify, define.
   To distinguish, discriminate.
   To aggravate, heighten, enhance, intensify; पुनरकाण्डविवर्तनदारुणो विधिरहो विशिनष्टि मनोरुजम् [Māl.4.7;] [U.4.15.]
   To surpass, excel; विशेषको वा विशिशेष यस्याः श्रियं त्रिलोकीतिलकः स एव [Śi.3.63.] -Pass.
   To be different from; स्वदेहान्न व्यशिष्यत [R.17.62.]
   To be better or higher than, surpass, excel, be preferable or superior to (often with abl.); तस्माद् दुर्गं विशिष्यते [H.3.5;] [Mv.7.39;] मौनात् सत्यं विशिष्यते [Ms.2.83;3.23;] (also with instr. and gen.); सर्वेषामेव दानानां ब्रह्मदानं विशिष्यते [Ms.4.233.] -Caus.
   To distinguish, particularize.
   To surpass, excel; मदनमपि गुणैर्विशेषयन्ती [Mk.4.4;] [M.3.5.]

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