Dictionaries | References


   { vṛttiḥ }
Script: Devanagari


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
 noun  शब्द-योजना की वह विशेषता जिससे रचना में माधुर्य, ओज, प्रसाद आदि गुण आते हैं   Ex. साहित्य में मधुरा, पुरुषा, प्रौढ़ा आदि वृत्तियाँ हैं ।
प्रियंवदा अष्टि उपेंद्रवज्रा
गुणधर्म (property)अमूर्त (Abstract)निर्जीव (Inanimate)संज्ञा (Noun)
urdہم آہنگی , حرفی تماثل
   See : अवस्था, व्यवसाय, स्वभाव, वजीफा, छात्रवृत्ति, वृत्यानुप्रास


वृत्ति n.  मनु नामक रुद्र की पत्नी [भा. ३.१२.१३]
वृत्ति II. n.  अमिताभ देवों में से एक ।


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   ; constant occurrence, application, or use. 5 A state or an affection of the mind; any particular working or modification of its being; as wrathful emotion, pitiful or tender yearnings, the excitation of lust or cupidity, the commotion or agitation under fear, hope, anxiety &c. Some compounds are उदास -औदार्य -खिन्न -तामस -प्रसन्न -ग्लान -शांत- शोक-संतोष-सौम्य-हर्ष-हास्य-वृत्ति. 6 Dramatic representation or composition, considered to be of four sorts; viz. कौशिकी, भारती, सात्वती, आरभती. 7 Gloss or comment: also explanation or exposition. See टीका. 8 A circle; or the circumference of a circle.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
  f  An affection of the mind. Conduct. A profession.


नेपाली (Nepali) WN | Nepali  Nepali |   | 
   See : छात्रवृत्ति


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
वृत्ति  f. f. rolling, rolling down (of tears), [Śak. iv, 5; 14]
वृत्त   mode of life or conduct, course of action, behaviour, (esp.) moral conduct, kind or respectful behaviour or treatment (also v.l. for ), [GṛŚrS.] ; [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c.
   general usage, common practice, rule, [Prāt.]
   mode of being, nature, kind, character, disposition, ib.; [Kāv.]
   state, condition, [Tattvas.]
   being, existing, occurring or appearing in (loc. or comp.), [Lāṭy.] ; [Hariv.] ; [Kāv.] &c.
   practice, business, devotion or addiction to, occupation with (often ifc. ‘employed about’, ‘engaged in’, ‘practising’), [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.
उञ्छ-व्°   profession, maintenance, subsistence, livelihood (often ifc.; cf.; वृत्तिं-√ कृ or √ कॢप् [Caus.] with instr., ‘to live on or by’; with gen., ‘to get or procure a maintenance for’; only certain means of subsistence are allowed to a Brāhman See, [Mn. iv, 4-6] ), [ŚrS.] ; [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c.
उञ्छ व्°
   wages, hire, [Pañcav.]
   working, activity, function, [MaitrUp.] ; [Kap.] ; [Vedântas.] &c.
   mood (of the mind), [Vedântas.]
   the use or occurrence of a word in a partic. sense (loc.), its function or force, [Pāṇ.] ; [Sāh.] Sch. on KātyŚr. &c.
विलम्बिता   mode or measure of pronunciation and recitation (said to be threefold, viz., मध्यमा, and द्रुताq.v.), [Prāt.]
   (in gram.) a complex formation which requires explanation or separation into its parts (as distinguished from a simple or uncompounded form e.g. any word formed with कृत् or तद्धित affixes, any compound and even duals and plurals which are regarded as द्वंद्व compounds, of which only one member is left, and all derivative verbs such as desideratives &c.)
   style of composition (esp.dram. style, said to be of four kinds, viz. 1. कैशिकी, 2. भारती 3. सात्वती, 4. आरभटी, q.v.; the first three are described as suited to the शृङ्गार, वीर, and रौद्ररसs respectively, the last as common to all), [Bhar.] ; [Daśar.] &c.
मधुरा   (in rhet.) alliteration, frequent repetition of the same consonant (five kinds enumerated, scil., प्रौ-ढा, पुरुषा, ललिता, and भद्रा), [Daśar.,] Introd.
वृत्त   final rhythm of a verse (= or v.l. for q.v.)
   a commentary, comment, gloss, explanation (esp. on a सूत्र)
   N. of the wife of a रुद्र, [BhP.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
वृत्तिः [vṛttiḥ]  f. f. [वृत्-क्तिन्]
   Being, existence.
   Abiding, remaining, attitude, being in a particular state; as in विरुद्धवृत्ति, विपक्षवृत्ति &c.
   State, condition; त्रयीं तिस्रो वृत्तीस्त्रिभुवनमथो त्रीनपि सुरान् [Śiva-mahimna 27.]
   Action, movement, function, operation; शतैस्तमक्ष्णामनिमेषवृत्तिभिः [R.3.43;] [Ku.3.73;] उत्पक्ष्मणोर्नयनयोरुपरुद्धवृत्तिम् (बाष्पम्) [Ś.4.] 15.
   Course, method; विनयवारितवृत्तिः [Ś.2.12.]
   Conduct, behaviour, course of conduct, mode of action; कुरु प्रियसखीवृत्तं सपत्नीजने [Ś.4.18;] [Me.8;] वैतसी वृत्तिः, बकवृत्तिः &c.
   Profession, occupation, business, employment, mode of leading life (often at the end of comp.); आश्रमांश्च यथासंख्यमसृजत् सहवृत्तिभिः [Bhāg.3.12.41;] वार्धके मुनिवृत्तीनाम् [R.1.8;] [Ś.5.6;] [Pt.3.126.]
   Livelihood, maintenance, means of subsistence or livelihood; oft. in com.; सिंहत्वमङ्कागतसत्त्ववृत्तिः [R.2.38;] [Ś.7.12;] स्वयं- विशीर्णद्रुमपर्णवृत्तिता [Ku.5.28;] (for the several means of subsistence, see [Ms.4.4-6.] )
   Wages, hire.
   Cause of activity.
   Respectful treatment; ब्रह्मचारिणः... आचार्ये प्राणान्तिकी च वृत्तिः [Kau.A.1.3;] त्रिष्वप्रमाद्यन्नेतेषु त्रील्लँोकांश्च विजेष्यसि । पितृवृत्या त्विमं लोकं मातृवृत्त्या तथा परम् ॥ [Mb.12.18.8.]
   Gloss, commentary, exposition; सद्वृत्तिः सन्निबन्धना [Śi.2.112;] काशिकावृत्तिः &c.
   Revolving, turning round.
   The circumference of a wheel or circle.
   (In gram.) A complex formation requiring resolution or explanation.
   The power or force of a word by which it expresses, indicates, or suggests a meaning; (these are three अभिधा, लक्षणा and व्यञ्जना q. q. v. v.); general character or force of a word; भ्रमयत भारती त उरुवृत्तिभिरुक्थजडान् [Bhāg.1.87.36.]
   A style in composition (these are four; कौ(कै)शिकी, भारती, सात्वती and आरभटी q. q. v. v.); शृङ्गारे कैशिकी वीरे सात्वत्यारभटी पुनः । रसे रौद्रे च बीभत्से वृत्तिः सर्वत्र भारती । चतस्रो वृत्तयो ह्येताः सर्वनाठ्यस्य मातृकाः ॥ [S. D.]
   Customary allowance.
   Manner of thinking. -Comp.
-अनुप्रासः   a kind of alliteration; see [K. P.9.]
-अर्थम्   ind. for the sake of subsistence; योऽध्यापयति वृत्यर्थमुपाध्यायः स उच्यते [Ms.2.141.]
-उपायः   a means of subsistence; यजनाध्यापन- प्रतिग्रहा ब्राह्मणस्यैव वृत्त्युपायाः ŚB. on [MS.12.4.36;] सर्वेषां ब्राह्मणो विद्याद् वृत्त्युपायान् यथाविधि [Ms.1.2.]
-कर्षित a.  a. badly off or distressed for want of livelihood; क्षत्रियं चैव वैश्यं च ब्राह्मणो वृत्तिकर्षितौ [विमृयात्] [Ms.8.411.]
-चक्रम्   the wheel of state; स्वामिसेवकयोरेवं वृत्तिचक्रं प्रवर्तते [Pt.1.81.] -छेदः deprivation of the means of subsistence.
-पक्षः   (Mīmāṁsā) the case of a complex formation; वृत्तिपक्षे च समासस्य नित्यत्वात् ŚB. on [MS.1.6.4.]
-भङ्गः, -वैकल्यम्   want of a livelihood; वृत्तिभङ्गान्महीपालं त्यक्त्वा यान्ति सुसेवकाः [Pt.1.153.]
-भाज् a.  a. doing usual things (good and evil); कर्तृता तदुपलम्भतोऽभवद्वृत्तिभाजि करणे यथ- र्त्विजि [Śi.14.19.]
-मूलम्   provision for maintenance.-लाभः (in phil.) ascertainment of the concurrent.-हेतुः = वृत्तिमूलम् q. v.; न लोकवृत्तं वर्तेत वृत्तिहेतोः कथंचन [Ms.4.11.]
-स्थ   a.
   being in any state or employment.
   well-conducted, of good behaviour. (-स्थः) a lizard, chameleon.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
वृत्ति  f.  (-त्तिः)
   1. Livelihood, profession, means of acquiring subsistence. 2. Style or character of dramatic representation, or composition, considered to be of four sorts, viz:--Kaūsīkī, which exhibits love or passion; Bhāratī, which appears to implies declamation es- pecially; Sātwatī, of which the subject is virtue and heroism, and Ārbhattī, which treats of magic, delusion, wrath and battle.
   3. Style in general.
   4. Gloss, comment, explanation, expo- sition.
   5. Being, abiding, staying.
   6. Seizing, stopping, withhold- ing, restraining.
   7. Circumference of a wheel or circle.
   8. State, condition.
   9. Behaviour, action, course of action, conduct.
   10. Action, engagement, operation.
   11. Respectful treatment.
   12. Wages, hire.
   13. Revolving, turning round.
   14. A complex forma- tion, (in gram.)
   15. The connotative power of a word; (these are three, viz:--अभिधा, लक्षणा and व्यंजना .)
   E. वृत् to be, aff. क्तिन् .
वृत् क्तिन् .

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