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   { vaidēhḥ, vaideha }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English
VAIDEHA I   The King of Videha.
VAIDEHA II   See under Varṇa.
VAIDEHA III   Another name of the country of Videha. It has the meaning, that which is in Videha. [M.B. Bhīṣma Parva, Chapter 9, Stanza 57] .


वैदेह II. n.  एक देशीय नाम, जो विदेह देश के निम्नलिखित राजाओं के लिए प्रयुक्त किया गया हैः-- १. जनक [तै. ब्रा. ३.१०.९.२१] ; २. नभी साप्य [पं. ब्रा. २५.१०.१७]


 पु. १ विदेह देशाचा . २ ब्राह्मण स्त्रीस वैश्यापासून झालेला मुलगा . उत्तम वर्णाची नारी । जे हीन वर्णाचा गर्भ धरी। ... । तेचि संतति प्रसिध्द । सूत वैदेह मागध । - एभा २० . ३० - ३१ . [ रूं . ] वैदेही - स्त्री . सीता .


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English
वैदेह  mfn. mf()n. (fr.वि-देह) belonging to the country of the विदेहs, [TS.] ; [MaitrS.]
(accord. to Comm. on [TS.] ) having a handsome frame or body, well-formed
वैदेह  m. m. a king of the Ved° (also °हो राजन्), [Br.] ; [ŚāṅkhŚr.] ; [MBh.] &c.
a dweller in विदेह, [MW.]
a partic. mixed caste, the son of a शूद्र by a वैश्या ([Gaut.] ), or of a वैश्य by a Brāhman woman ([Mn.] )
a trader, [L.]
an attendant on the woman's apartments, [L.]
विदेह   pl. = (N. of a people), [MBh.] ; [VarBṛS.] &c.
people of mixed castes, [MW.]


वैदेहः [vaidēhḥ]   [विदेह अण्]
A king of Videha; जनको ह वैदेहो बहुदक्षिणेन येज्ञेनेजे [Bṛi. Up.3.1.1.]
An inhabitant of Videha.
A trader by caste.
The son of a Vaiśya by a Brāhmaṇa woman; Ms.1 11.
An attendant on the women's apartments.
-हाः   (m. pl.) The people of Videha.
ही N. of Sītā; वैदेहिबन्धोर्हृदयं विदद्रे [R.14.] 33 (the final vowel in वैदेही being shortened.)
The wife of a merchant.
A sort of pigment (रोचना)
A cow.
Long pepper.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English
वैदेह  m.  (-हः)
1. A trader by caste or profession.
2. An attendant on the women's apartments: see the next.
 f.  (-ही)
1. ŚITĀ, the daughter of JANAKA.
2. Long-pepper.
3. The wife of a trader or woman of the Vaideha caste.
4. A sort of pigment, commonly Rochanā.
E. विदेह the country, अण् aff. of origin or production.
विदेह अण्

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