शत्रुः [śatruḥ] [शद्-त्रुन्
[Uṇ.4.13] ]
An overthrower, a destroyer, conqueror.
An enemy, a foe, an adversary; क्षमा शत्रौ च मित्रे च यतीनामेव भुषणम् Subhāṣ; ऋणकर्ता पिता शत्रुर्माता च व्यभिचारिणी । भार्या रूपवती शत्रुः पुत्रः शत्रुरपण्डितः ॥ Subhāṣ.
A political rival, a rival neighbouring king. -Comp.
-उपजापः the secret whisperings of a foe, treacherous overtures of an enemy.
-कर्षण, -दमन, -निबर्हण a. a. subduing, overpowering, or destroying enemies.
-कुलम् the house of an enemy; शत्रुकुलं गच्छेत्
[Ms.8.93.] -गृहम् N. N. of the 6th astrological mansion.-घ्नः 'destroyer of enemies', an epithet of a brother of Rāma and twin brother of Lakṣmaṇa, being a son of Sumitrā. He killed the demon Lavaṇa and colonized Mathurā. He had two sons named Subāhu and Bahusruta; see
[R.15.] -निबर्हण a. a. foe-destroying.
पक्षः the party or side of an enemy.
an opponent, antagonist.
मर्दनः an epithet of Śatrughna.
a kind of pavilion.
-लाव a. a. killing foes.
-विग्रहः a hostile invasion.
-विनाशनः an epithet of Śiva.
-सह, -साह a. a. withstanding an enemy.
-सेविन् a. a. serving a hostile prince; शत्रुसेविनि मित्रे च गूढे युक्ततरो भवेत्
[Ms.7.] 186.
-हत्या foe-slaughter.
-हन् a. a. foe-slayer.