Dictionaries | References श शि { śi } Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words शि A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 शि 1. (accord. to some = √ शो) cl. 3. P.शिशाति (Impv.शि॑शीहि, शाधि), to grant, bestow, [RV.] (cf.[Nir. v, 23] ); to present or satisfy with (instr.), ib.; cl. 5. Ā.P. ([Dhātup. xxvii, 3] ) शिनोति, शिनुते (p.शिषाय, शिष्ये; aor.अशैषीत्, अशेष्टfut.शेष्यति, °ते), to sharpen.शि m. 2.m.N. of शिव, [W.] auspiciousness, good fortune, ib.peace, composure, calm, ib.शि 3. (in gram.) a technical term for the case-ending इ (substituted for जस् and शस् in neuters). शि The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 शि [śi] 5 U. (शिनोति, शिनुते)To whet, sharpen.To attenuate, make thin.To excite.To be attentive.To be sharp.शिः [śiḥ] 1 Auspiciousness, good fortune.Composure, calm, tranquillity, peace.An epithet of Śiva. शि Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 शि(ञ)शिञ् r. 5th cl. (शिनोति शिनुते)शि(ञ)शिञ् 1. To make thin or small.शि(ञ)शिञ् 2. To whet, to sharpen.शि(ञ)शिञ् 3. To excite.शि(ञ)शिञ् 4. To be attentive.शि m. (-शिः)1. ŚIVA.2. Auspiciousness, good fortune.3. Peace, com- posure, calm.E. शि to whet, or शो to destroy, aff. कि . ROOTS:शि शो कि Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP