अन्वारभ् [anvārabh] 1 A.
To begin, commence.
To touch; अंसेऽध्वर्युमन्वारभते Āśval. यदि मां संस्पृशेद्रामः सकृदन्वारभेत वा । धनं वा यौवराज्यं वा जीवेयमिति मे मतिः ॥ [Rām.]
अन्व्-आ-√ रभ् to catch or seize or touch from behind;
to place one's self behind or at the side of, keep at the side of
[AV.] &c.:
Caus. -रम्भयति, to place behind another (with
loc. ),
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