शृङ्गिन् mfn. mfn. horned, crested, peaked (
ifc. having horns of -),
[RV.] &c. &c.
[MBh.] विष-शृ° having a sting (See )
चारु-शृ° breasted (in , beautifully breasted),
[BhP.] शृङ्गिन् m. m. ‘a horned or tusked animal’, a bull,
[L.] elephant,
[L.] a mountain,
[L.] Ficus Infectoria,
[L.] Spondias Mangifera,
[L.] वृषभ a
partic. bulbous plant (= ),
[L.] शैल N. of a mythical mountain or mountain-range forming one of the boundaries of the earth (See ),
[VP.] of a
[MBh.] ;