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Script: Devanagari


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   because they all bear the form of the lotus with varying number of petals. They rise one above another along the middle of the body, linked together by chains, one on each side, and one up through the centre, representing, respectively, the rivers भागीरथी, यमुना, सरस्वती. Other bold descriptions occur of this terra valde incognita; viz. कूर्म Region of the bottom or base; अनंतशेष; आधार Region or seat of गणेश, consisting of four lotus-petals; अनाहत Seat of शिव; अधिष्ठन Seat of ब्रह्मा, consisting of six lotus-petals; नाभि Umbilical region; जठराग्नि Seat of the gastric fire; पद्म Lotus or मणिपुर Seat of विष्णु; मानस Seat of the mind or intellect; कर्पर Region of the cranium, having at its crown or top ब्रह्मरंध्र Vent-hole for the wearied soul; गरुड Region of the middle of the forehead. Yet other regions are affirmed, as गोळहांतचक्र, त्रिगांतिचक्र....but these we may be suffered to leave unvisited.

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