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   { saṅgrah }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
सं-√ ग्रह्   (or √ ग्रभ्) P.Ā.-गृह्णाति, -गृह्णीते (Ved. generally -गृभ्णाति, -गृभ्णीते), to seize or hold together, take or lay hold of. grab, grasp, gripe, clasp, clench, snatch, [RV.] &c. &c.;
to take, receive (kindly or hospitably), encourage, support, favour, protect, [Hit.] ; [BhP.] ;
to seize on, attack (as an illness), [MBh.] ;
to apprehend, conceive, understand, [BhP.] ;
to carry off, ib. &c.;
to gather together, assemble, collect, compile, ib. &c.;
to include, comprehend, contain, [Gaut.] ; [Pat.] ;
to draw together, contract, make narrower, abridge, [ŚBr.] ;
to draw together (a bow in order to unstring it), [MBh.] ;
to hold in, restrain, check, govern, [MBh.] ;
to constrain, force, [Mn. viii, 48] ;
to keep together, close, shut (as the mouth), KātyŚr.;
to concentrate (the mind), [BhP.] ;
to take in marriage, marry, ib.;
to mention, name, ib.;
Caus.-ग्राहयति, to cause to grasp or take hold of or receive or comprehend or understand, impart, communicate (with acc. of thing and acc. or dat. of person), [Car.] ; [BhP.] :
Desid.जिघृक्षति, to wish to take hold of &c.;
to wish to collect, [MBh.] ;
to wish to take in marriage, desire to marry, [Daś.]
सं √ ग्रह्


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
संग्रह् [saṅgrah]   9 [U.]
   To collect, gather, accumulate, hoard; संगृह्य धनम्, पाशान् &c.
   To receive kindly.
   To curb, restrain, check, control, rein in (as horses).
   To unstring (as a bow).
   To grasp, lay hold of.
   To take, receive, accept.
   To conceive, understand.
   To contract, abridge, narrow.
   To encou rage, support, favour.
   To seize upon, attack (as an illness).
   To include, comprise, contain.
   To close, shut (as the mouth).
   To concentrate.
   To constrain, force; तैस्तैरुपायैः संगृह्य दापयेदधमर्णिकम् [Ms. 8.48.]
   To marry.
   To mention, name.


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
   See : सङ्ग्रह्, चि, बन्ध्, अपहृ

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