सं-√ धा aP. Ā. -दधाति, -धत्ते (ep. 1. pl. pr. -दधामहे = -दध्महे; pr.p. -धान = -दधान; inf. -धितुम् = -धातुम्), to place or hold or put or draw or join or fasten or fix or sew together, unite (with अक्षीणि, ‘to close the eyes’; with व्रणम्, ‘to heal a wound’; with मनस्, ‘to compose the mind’; with मित्र॑-धितानि, ‘to conclude an alliance’; with वाचम्, ‘to hold or interchange conversation’), to combine, connect with ( instr. ), [RV.] &c. &c.; ( Ā. ) to bring together, reconcile, [Mn.] ; [MBh.] ; to be reconciled, agree with ( instr. , rarely acc. ), [PañcavBr.] &c. &c.; to mend, restore, redress, [AitBr.] ; [ChUp.] &c.; to lay down on or in ( loc. ), fix on ( esp. an arrow on a bow, with instr. or with loc. e.g. धनुः शरेण, or शरं धनुषि, ‘to take aim’; generally Ā. ), [MBh.] ; [R.] ; [Hariv.] ; ( Ā. ) to direct towards ( ततः), [Ragh.] ; to aim at (?), [RV. v, 54, 2] ; to involve in ( loc. ), [RV. i, 165, 6] ; to confer on ( loc. ), grant, yield, bestow (with नाम and gen. , ‘to give a name to’; Ā. with श्रद्धाम् and loc. , ‘to place credence in’; with साहाय्यम्, ‘to afford assistance’), [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.; to cause, inflict, [MBh.] ; [Kir.] ; ( Ā. ) to be a match for, hold out against ( acc. ), [Pañcat.] ; to comprehend, [MBh.] ; ( Ā. ) to use, employ ( instr. ), [MBh. iv, 964] : Pass. -धीयते, to be put together or joined or connected &c.; to be placed or held in ( loc. ), [RV. i, 168, 3] ; to become possessed of ( instr. ), [AitBr.] : Desid. -धित्सति, to wish to place or join together, desire to repair, [ŚBr.] सं-धा f. bf. See below. सं-धा f. cf. intimate union, compact, agreement, [AV.] ; [TS.] ; [Gobh.] a promise, vow, [Ragh.] intention, design, [Daś.] mixture, preparation of a beverage &c., [L.] a boundary, limit, [Campak.] स्थिति fixed state, condition (= ), [L.] संध्या often w.r. for (q.v. )