aP. Ā. -पृणक्ति, -पृङ्क्ते (Ved. also Impv. -पिपृग्धि; Pot. -पिपृच्यात्; inf. -पृ॑चः), to mix together, commingle, bring into contact, connect, unite (
Ā. and
Pass. , ‘to be mixed &c.’; ‘to be in contact or connected or united’),
[RV.] &c. &c.;
to fill up, fill or satiate or endow or present with (
instr. ;
Ā. and
Pass. , ‘to be filled or presented with’),
[RV.] ;
[AV.] ;
[TBr.] सम्-पृच् mfn. bmfn. being in or coming into contact, [VS.]