सर्प mfn. amf(ई)n. creeping, crawling, stealing along, [Gaut.] (cf. पीठ-, वृक्ष-स्°) सर्प f. m. (ifc. f(आ). ) a snake, serpent, serpent-demon (cf. नाग; सर्पाणाम् अयनम्, ‘a partic. annual festival’), tortuous motion, [RV.] &c. &c. सर्प m. m. a partic. constellation (when only the three unfavourable planets are situated in the three केन्द्रs), [VarBṛS.] Mesua Roxburghii, [L.] N. of one of the 11 रुद्रs, [MBh.] of a राक्षस, [VP.] (pl. ) N. of a partic. tribe of म्लेच्छs (formerly क्षत्रियs and described as wearing beards), [Hariv.] सर्प n. n. = सप-सामन्q.v. सर्प [cf. Gk. ἑρπετόνLat. serpens; See also under √ स्रिप्.] सर्प b &c. See p. 1184, col. 1.