सान्द्र [sāndra] a.
Close, compact, having no interstices.
Coarse, gross, thick, dense; दुर्वर्णभित्तिरिह सान्द्रसुधा- सवर्णा
[Śi.4.28,64;9.15;] [R.7.41;] [Ṛs.1.2.] Clustered together, collected.
Stout, strong, robust.
Excessive, abundant, much; सान्द्रानन्दक्षुभितहृदयप्रस्रवेणाव- सिक्तः
[U.6.22.] Intense, strong, vehement; व्याप्तान्तराः सान्द्रकुतूहलानाम्
[R.7.11;] [Śi.9.37.] Unctuous, oily, viscid.
Bland, soft, smooth.
Pleasing, agreeable.
द्रम् A heap, clustor.
A thicket, wood. -Comp.
-कुतूहल a. a. greatly curious, seized with great curiosity.-स्पर्श a. soft to the touch.