सू 1. (not separable in all forms fr. √ 2.; cf. 1.सु-षू॑, असु-सू, and √ 4.सु) cl. 6. P. ([Dhātup. xxviii, 115] ) सुव॑ति (in, [Br.] also °ते, and accord. to [Dhātup. xxii, 43 and xxiv, 32] also सवति and -सौति; pf. सुषुवे॑, [AV.] ; p. सुषुवाण॑q.v. ; aor. असावीत्, साविषत्, [RV.] : Pass. सूय॑ते, [Br.] &c.), to set in motion, urge, impel, vivify, create, produce, [RV.] &c. &c.; to hurl upon, [Bhaṭṭ.] ; to grant, bestow ( esp. said of सवितृ), [RV.] ; to appoint or consecrate to ( Ā. ‘to let one's self be consecrated’), [AV.] ; [TS.] ; to allow, authorize, [ŚBr.] : Intens. सोषवीति, to urge or impel violently (said of सवितृ), [RV.] सू f. 2. (cf. 1. and √ 5.सु) cl. 2. Ā. ([Dhātup. xxiv, 21] ) सूते (1. sg. pr. सुवे, 3. sg. impf. असूत; in later language also सूयते [xxvi, 31] and in comp. with प्र also -सवति and -सौति [cf. xxiv, 31]; pf. ससूव, [RV.] ; सुषुवे॑, [AV.] &c.; सुसाव, [MBh.] &c.; aor. असुषोत्, [MaitrS.] ; °षवुः, [TBr.] ; असोष्ट, [ChUp.] ; असौषीत् and असविष्टGr. ; fut. सोता, सविता, ib.; सोष्य॑ति, °ते, [Br.] &c.; सविष्यति, °ते, [MBh.] &c.; p. f.सू॑ष्यन्ती, [RV.] ; सोष्य॑न्ती [s.v. ] [ŚBr.] ; inf. सू॑तवे, [RV.] ; सूतवै॑, [AV.] ; स॑वितवे, ib.; सोतुम् or सवितुम्Gr. ; ind.p. सूत्वा॑, [Br.] ; -सूय, [MBh.] &c.; -सु॑त्य, [ŚBr.] ), to beget, procreate, bring forth, bear, produce, yield, [RV.] &c. &c.: Pass. सूयते ( aor. असावि), to be begotten or brought forth, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.: Caus. सावयतिGr. : Desid. -सुसूषति, ib.सू mfn. 3.mfn. begetting, procreating, bringing forth, producing (mostly ifc. ; See अ-, अम्भः-, कर्ण-सू &c.) सू m. m. one who begets, a father, [RV.] ; [VS.] a mother, [RV. i, 32, 9] child-bearing, parturition, [W.] सू [cf. Gk. ὗς, σῦς; Lat. sus; Angl.Sax. sû; Eng. sow; Germ. Sau.] सू n. 4.ind., Ved. and in some comp. = सु, well, good &c. (cf. सू-नर, सू-नृत &c.)