सूची f. af. (
prob. to be connected with
स्यूत &c.
fr. √
सिव्, ‘to sew’
cf. सूक्ष्म; in
[R.] once
सूचिनाinstr. ), a needle or any sharp-pointed instrument (
e.g. ‘a needle used in surgery’, ‘a magnet’ &c.),
[RV.] &c. &c.
the sharp point or tip of anything or any pointed object,
[Kāv.] ;
[Car.] ;
[BhP.] a rail or balustrade,
[Divyâv.] a small door-bolt,
[L.] ‘sharp file or column’, a kind of military array (
accord. to
[Kull.] on
[Mn. vii, 187] , ‘placing the sharpest and most active soldiers in front’),
[Mn.] ;
[MBh.] ;
[Kām.] -पत्त्र an index, table of contents (in books printed in India;
cf. below)
a triangle formed by the sides of a trapezium produced till they meet,
[Col.] a cone, pyramid,
astron. ) the earth's disc in computing eclipses (or ‘the corrected diameter of the earth’),
[Sūryas.] gesticulation, dramatic action,
[L.] a kind of coitus,
[L.] दृष्टि sight, seeing (= ),
[L.] सूची m. m. (only
सूचि) the son of
निषाद and a
[L.] सूना a maker of winnowing baskets &c. (
cf. ),
[L.] सूची f. bf. (= ), in