स्तनः [stanḥ] [स्तन्-अच्]
The female breast; स्तनौ मांसग्रन्थी कनककलशावित्युपमितौ
[Bh.3.2;] (दरिद्राणां मनोरथाः) हृदयेष्वेव लीयन्ते विधवास्त्रीस्तनाविवं
[Pt.2.91.] The nipple of the breast.
The breast, udder, or dug of any female animal; अर्धपीतस्तनं मातुरामर्दक्लिष्टकेशरम्
[Ś.7.14.] -Comp.
-अंशुकम् a cloth covering the breasts or bosom, breastmantle.
-अग्रः a nipple.
-अङ्गरागः a paint or pigment smeared on the breasts of women.
अन्तरम् the heart.
the space between the breasts; (न) मृणालसूत्रं रचितं स्तनान्तरे
[Ś.6.17;] [R.1.62.] a mark on the breast (said to indicate future widowhood).
-आभुज a. a. feeding with the udder (said of cows).
आभोगः fulness or expanding of the breasts.
the circumference or orb of the breast.
a man with large breasts like those of a woman.
-आवरणम् a breast-cloth.
-उपपीडम् pressing the breast.
-कलशः a jar-like breast.
-कुड्मलम् a woman's breast.
-कोटिः the nipple of the breast.-ग्रहः the sucking or drawing of the breast.
-चूचुकम् the nipple of the breast.
-तटः, -टम् the slope or projection of the breast; cf. तट.
-त्यागः weaning.
-प, -पा, -पायक, -पायिन् a. a. sucking the breast, suckling.-पतनम् flaccidity of the breast.
-पानम् sucking of the breast.
भरः the weight or heaviness of breasts; पादाग्रस्थितया मुहुः स्तनभरेणानीतया नम्रताम्
[Ratn.1.1.] a man having breasts like those of a woman.
-भवः a particular position in sexual union.
-मध्यः a nipple. (-ध्यम्) the space between the breasts.
-रोहितः, -तम् a particular part of the female breast.
-वेपथुः the having of the breast; अद्यापि स्तनवेपथुं जनयति श्वासः प्रमाणाधिकः &Sacute.1.29.