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   { sthāṇu }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
STHĀṆU I   Śiva, the son of Brahmā. The eleven Rudras were born from Sthāṇu. [Mahābhārata, Ādi Parva, Chapter 66] .
STHĀṆU II   One of the eleven Rudras. [M.B. Ādi Parva, Chapter 66, Verse 6] .
STHĀṆU III   A hermit. This hermit shines in the palace of Indra. [Mahābhārata, Sabhā Parva, Chapter 7, Verse 17] .


स्थाणु II. n.  ब्रह्मा का एक मानसपुत्र, जो ग्यारह रुद्रों का पिता माना जाता है [म. आ. ६०.३]
स्थाणु III. n.  इन्द्रसभा में उपस्थित एक ऋषि [म. स. ७.१५]


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   sthāṇu m n S A pillar or post. Ex. स्थाणूचे ठायीं दिसे चोर ॥. 2 A stake, a long peg, a naked and bare trunk: also the trunk of a tree generally.
   sthāṇu a S Firm, fixed, steady.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
 n m  A naked and bare trunk; a post.


  पु. न . १खांब . २खुंटा ; काठी ; झाडाचें खोड ; मेढ . ३ दहावा रुद्र .- वि . भक्कम ; स्थिर ; गच्च . [ सं .]


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
स्थाणु  mfn. mfn. (accord. to some for स्थल्नु) standing firmly, stationary, firm, fixed, immovable, motionless, [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c.
स्थाणु  n. m. (or n.g.अर्धर्चा-दि) a stump, stem, trunk, stake, post, pile, pillar (also as symbol of motionlessness), [RV.] &c. &c.
स्थाणु  m. m. a kind of spear or dart, [L.]
   a partic. part of a plough, [Kṛṣis.]
   the gnomon of a dial, [MW.]
जीवक   a partic. perfume (= ), [L.]
   a nest of white ants, [W.]
   N. of शिव (who is supposed to remain as motionless as the trunk of a tree during his austerities), [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c. ([RTL. 63] )
   of one of the 11 रुद्रs, [MBh.] ; [Hariv.]
   of a प्रजा-पति, [R.]
   of a serpent-demon, [RāmatUp.]
   of a राक्षस, [TāṇḍBr.]
स्थाणु  n. n. anything stationary or fixed, [MBh.] &c.
   a partic. posture in sitting, [Cat.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
स्थाणु [sthāṇu] a.  a. [स्था-नु पृषो˚ णत्वम्] Firm, fixed, steady, stable, immoveable, motionless; नित्यः सर्वगतः स्थाणुरचलोऽयं सनातनः [Bg.2.24;] [Mb.1.34.5.]
   णुः An epithet of Śiva; स स्थाणुः स्थिरभक्तियोगसुलभो निःश्रेयसायास्तु वः [V.1.1.]
   A stake, post, pillar; अपि स्थाणुवदासीनः [Pt.1.49;] किं स्थाणुरयमुत पुरुषः.
   A peg, pin; स्थाणौ निषङ्गिण्यनसि क्षणं पुरः [Śi.12.26.]
   The gnomon of a dial.
   A spear, dart.
   A nest of white ants.
   A drug or perfume called Jeevaka.
   Stump, trunk; लता वल्लीश्च गुल्मांश्च स्थाणूनश्मन एव च [Rām.2.8.6.]
   A particular posture in sitting. -m., n. A branchless trunk or stem, any bare stalk or stem, pollard. -Comp.
-छेदः   one who cuts down the trunks of trees, one who clears away timber; स्थाणुच्छेदस्य केदारमाहुः शल्यवतो मृगम् [Ms.9.] 44.
-दिश्  f. f. the north-east.
-भूत a.  a. become motionless (as the trunk of a tree).
-भ्रमः   mistaking anything for a post.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
स्थाणु  mfn.  (-णुः-णः-णु) Firm, fixed, steady, stable.
  m.  (-णुः)
   1. ŚIVA.
   2. A stake, a pin.
   3. A post.
   4. A spear, a dart.
   5. A nest of white ants.
   6. The gnomon of a dial.
   7. JIVAKA, the drug and perfume. mn. (-णुः-णु)
   1. The trunk of a tree of which the branches have been lopped off.
   2. The branchless trunk or stem of any tree.
   E. ष्ठा to stand, Unādi aff. नु .
ष्ठा नु .


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
   See : स्थूणा

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