स्थान m. an. (also said to be
[Siddh.] ) the act of standing, standing firmly, being fixed or stationary,
[AV.] &c. &c.
position or posture of the body (in shooting &c.),
[R.] staying, abiding, being in or on (
loc. or
comp. ),
[Daś.] ;
[Kām.] ;
[Hariv.] ;
[Sāh.] storing-place or storage (of goods),
[Mn. viii, 401] युद्ध firm bearing (of troops), sustaining a charge (as
opp. to , ‘charging’),
ib. vii, 190state, condition (
ifc. = ‘being in the state of’),
[Up.] ;
[BhP.] continued existence, continuance in the same state (
i.e. in a kind of neutral state unmarked by loss or gain), continuing as or as long as (with
instr. ),
[MBh.] ;
[R.] ;
[BhP.] a state of perfect tranquillity,
[Sarvad.] station, rank, office, appointment, dignity, degree,
[MaitrUp.] ;
[Mn.] ;
[MBh.] &c.
स्थाने स्थाने place of standing or staying, any place, spot, locality, abode, dwelling, house, site ( or
स्थाने स्थानेषु, ‘in different places’, ‘here and there’),
[RV.] &c. &c.
स्थाने place or room, stead ( with
gen. or
ifc. ‘in place of’, ‘instead of’, ‘in lieu of’;
रिपु-स्थाने-√ वृत्, ‘to act in the place of an enemy’;
विलोचन-स्थान-गत, ‘acting the part of eyes’; also
स्थानifc. = ‘taking the place of’, ‘acting as’, ‘representing’ or ‘represented by’
e.g. पितृ-स्थ्°, ‘acting as a father’ or ‘represented by a
f° ’;
इयङ्-उवङ्-स्थान, ‘
repr° by
इय् or
उव्’ [as
ई and
[Pāṇ. 1-4, 4] ]; in
पाणिनि's grammar the
gen. case is often used alone, when the word has to be supplied
e.g. हन्तेर् जः, ‘
ज is to be substituted in place of
i, 1, 49),
[AitBr.] ;
[GṛŚrS.] &c.
place for, receptacle of (
gen. ),
[Mn.] ;
[MBh.] &c.
स्थाने proper or right place (, ‘in the right place or at the right time, seasonably, justly’),
[PañcavBr.] &c. &c. (
cf. g. स्वर्-आदि)
province, region, domain, sphere (of gods or virtuous men; said to be in one of three places,
viz. ‘earth’ or ‘atmosphere’ or ‘heaven’;
accord. to some that of virtuous
Brāhmans is called
प्राजापत्य; of
ऐन्द्र; of
मारुत; of
[Nir.] ;
[VarBṛS.] the main support or strength or chief constituent of a kingdom (said to be four,
viz. ‘army’, ‘treasury’, ‘city’, ‘territory’),
[Mn. vii, 56] a stronghold, fortress,
[Pañcat.] कण्ठ the place or organ of utterance of any sound (said to be 8 in number,
viz. , ‘throat’;
तालु, ‘palate’;
मूर्धन्, ‘top of palate’;
दन्त, ‘teeth’;
ओष्ठ, ‘lips’;
कण्ठ-तालु, ‘throat and palate’;
कण्ठ्ऽ-ओष्ठ, ‘throat and lips’;
दन्त्ऽ-ओष्ठ, ‘teeth and lips’; to which are added
नासिका, ‘nose’, said to be the place of utterance of true
अनुस्वार, and
उरस्, ‘chest’, of
[Pāṇ. 1-9] Sch. ;
[Prāt.] ;
[Sarvad.] any organ of sense (
e.g. the eye),
[BhP.] मन्द्र the pitch or key of the voice, note, tone (of which
accord. to
[RPrāt.] , there are three [see ], or
accord. to
[TPrāt.] , seven;
वीना च्युता स्थानात्, ‘a lute out of tune’),
[ŚrS.] ;
[Prāt.] ;
[MBh.] &c.
shape, form, appearance (as of the moon),
[VarBṛS.] the part or character of an actor,
[MW.] नेदं स्थानं विद्यते case, occurrence (, ‘this case does not occur’),
[Yājñ.] ;
[Pañcat.] ;
[Vajracch.] °ने n. occasion, opportunity for (
gen. or
comp. ;
ind. ‘occasionally’),
[ŚrS.] ;
[MBh.] &c.
शुल्क-स्थान n. cause or object of (
gen. or
comp. e.g. , ‘an object of toll’;
पूजा- or
मान्य-स्थ्°, ‘an object of honour’; also applied to persons;
°नेind. ‘because of’, ‘on account of’),
[MBh.] ;
[Pañcat.] ;
[Kathās.] a section or division (
e.g. of medicine),
[Car.] ;
[Suśr.] &c.
astrol. mansion or its subdivision,
[VarBṛS.] कार्योत्सर्ग = ,
[Śīl.] an open place in a town, plain, square,
[W.] a holy place,
[MW.] an altar,
ib.N. of a
गन्धर्व king,
[R.] स्थान bस्थानिन्,
°पन &c. See p.1263.