हन् 1.cl. 2. P. ([Dhātup. xxiv, 2] ) हन्ति (3. du. हत॑, 3. pl. घ्नन्ति; rarely Ā. हते, 3. pl. घ्नते; and cl. 1. हनति, Ved. also जिघ्नते, °ति; Pot. हन्यात्, [Br.] also ह॑नीत, घ्नीत; Impv. जहि॑, [TĀr.] हन्धि॑; impf. अ॑हन्, Ved. and ep. also अहनत्, अहनन्, अघ्नन्त; p. जघ्नत्, घ्नमान, [MBh.] ; pf. जघा॑न, जघ्नु॑, [Br.and] ep. also जघ्ने, °निरेSubj. जघ॑नत्, [RV.] ; p. जघ्निव॑स्, Ved. also जघन्वस्; aor. अहानीत्, [JaimBr.] [cf. √ वध्]; fut. हन्ता, [MBh.] ; हंस्यति, ib.; हनिष्य॑ति, °ते, [AV.] &c.; inf. ह॑न्तुम्, Ved. also ह॑न्तवे, °तवै॑, °तोः; ind.p. हत्वा॑, Ved. also °त्वी॑, °त्वाय, -हत्य; -हन्य, [MBh.] ; -घा॑तम्, [Br.] &c.), to strike, beat (also a drum), pound, hammer ( acc. ), strike &c. upon ( loc. ), [RV.] &c. &c.; to smite, slay, hit, kill, mar, destroy, ib.; to put to death, cause to be executed, [Mn.] ; [Hit.] ; to strike off, [Kathās.] ; to ward off, avert, [MBh.] ; to hurt, wound (the heart), [R.] ; to hurl (a dart) upon ( gen. ), [RV.] ; (in astron. ) to touch, come into contact, [VarBṛS.] ; to obstruct, hinder, [Rājat.] ; to repress, give up, abandon (anger, sorrow &c.), [Kāv.] ; [BhP.] ; (?) to go, move, [Naigh. ii, 14] : Pass. हन्य॑ते ( ep. also °ति; aor. अवधि or अघानि), to be struck or killed, [RV.] &c. &c.: Caus. घातयति, °ते (properly a Nom. fr. घातq.v. ; aor. अजीघतत् or अजीघनत्), to cause to be slain or killed, kill, slay, put to death, punish, [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c.; to notify a person's death ( कंसं घातयति = कंस-वधम् आचष्टे), [Pāṇ. 3-1, 26] , Vārtt. 6 [Pat.] ; to mar, destroy, [MBh.] ; [Pañcat.] ( v.l. ) : Desid. जि॑घांसति, °ते ( Pot. जिघांसीयत्, [MBh.] ; impf. अजिघांसीः, [ŚBr.] ), to wish to kill or destroy, [RV.] &c. &c.: Intens. ज॑ङ्घन्ति ( [RV.] ; p. जङ्घनत्, ज॑ङ्घ्नत् or घ॑निघ्नत्), जङ्घन्यते (with pass. sense, [MuṇḍUp.] ), जेघ्नीयते ( [Pāṇ. 7-4, 31] ), to strike = tread upon ( loc. or acc. ), [RV.] ; to slay, kill, ib.; to dispel (darkness), destroy (evil, harm), ib.; to hurt, injure, wound, [MuṇḍUp.] हन् [cf. Gk. θείνω, θάνατος; φόνος, ἔπεφνονπέφαται; Lat. de-fendere, of-fendere; Lit. genu, gíti; Slav. gŭnati.] हन् mfn. 2.mf(घ्नी)n. killing, a killer, slayer (only ifc. ; See अरि-, तमो-हन् &c.)