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   { aruṇa }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
1) Birth.
Son of Kaśyapa by Vinatā. Kaśyapa, son of Brahmā, married Vinatā and Kadrū, and being so much pleased by their services he gave them boons. Kadrū got the boon to have 1000 nāga (serpent) sons, and Vinatā to have two sons more powerful and vital than the sons of Kadrū. After this Kaśyapa went into the forest again for Tapas. After a period, Kadrū gave birth to 1000 eggs and Vinatā to two. Both the mothers kept their eggs in pots so that they were in the right temperature. After 500 years the pot broke up and Kadrū had her 1000 sons. Vinatā felt pained at this and opened one of her pots. A child only half-developed emerged from the egg and he was Aruṇa. [M.B., Ādi Parva, Chapter 16, Verses 5-7] . After another 500 years the other egg of Vinatā hatched itself and a glowing son emerged. He was Garuḍa.
2) Genealogy.
While Rāma and Lakṣmaṇa wandered in the forest searching for Sītā they saw the wounded and disabled Jaṭāyu. Jaṭāyu described his genealogy as follows: “Kaśyapa, son of Brahmā, married the daughters of Dakṣa. Of the two wives, Vinatā delivered two sons, Garuḍa and Aruṇa. Sampāti was Aruṇa's elder son and he (Jaṭāyu) the younger. [Vālmīki Rāmāyaṇa, Araṇyakāṇḍa, Canto 14] . [Agni Purāṇa, Chapter 19] also refers to Garuḍa and Aruṇa as the sons of Vinatā.
3) Aruṇa curses his mother.
The fact of Vinatā forcing open one of her eggs prematurely and Aruṇa emerging out of it with only a half-developed body has been mentioned above. Aruṇa got angry at the haste of his mother and cursed her to live as slave of Kadrū for 500 years, and then Garuḍa would redeem her from slavery. He also asked her to wait for 500 years so that the birth of another physically deficient son like himself might be avoided. After pronouncing this curse Aruṇa rose to the sky. This curse was the reason for Vinatā's becoming a slave of Kadrū. [M.B., Ādi Parva, Chapter 16, Verses 18-23] .
4) Aruṇa became charioteer of Sun.
The Sun and the Moon betrayed to the Devas Rāhu, who waited at the entrance of Devaloka to snatch off the Nectar (Amṛtam) got at the churning of the sea of milk (Kṣīrābdhi). Thenceforth Rāhu does often swallow the Sun and the Moon. That phenomenon is called the eclipse (of the Sun or Moon. Sūrya-grahaṇa and Candra-grahaṇa). Enraged by these frequent attacks of Rāhu, the Sun-God began once to burn like anything. Murmuring that everyone would cooperate when there was something to be achieved, but would go on their own way when the object was achieved, the Sun-God began burning so virulently as to destroy all living forms, and the Devas were frightened by this and took refuge in Brahmā. Brahmā called Aruṇa and asked him to stand as charioteer in front of the Sun-God everyday so that the Sun's intensity might be reduced. From that day onwards Aruṇa has been functioning as the charioteer of the Sun. [M.B., Ādi Parva, Chapter 24, Verses 15-20] .
5) Birth of sons.
Śyenī, wife of Aruṇa delivered two sons, Sampāti and Jaṭāyu. [M.B., Ādi Parva, Chapter 68, Verse 71] .
6) Aruṇa assumed female form.
Śīlāvatī, the chaste woman, once did naked Tapas to redeem her husband, Ugratapas from the consequences of a curse. The object of her tapas was to prevent the next dawn (Sunrise). Owing to the intensity of her tapas the Sun ceased to rise, and this gave his charioteer Aruṇa some rest. Then it was that Aruṇa came to know of a programme of naked dance by the women in Devaloka. Women alone were admitted to the dance hall. Aruṇa, therefore, assumed female form and sat among the Deva women, and the beautiful ‘female’ kindled erotic sentiments in Indra and he enjoyed a night with ‘her’. Also, a son was born to them. And, before the day dawned Aruṇa, at the instance of Indra entrusted the child to Ahalyādevī and returned to join duty as the Sun-God's charioteer. (Aruṇa, while he acted as Indra's wife was called Āruṇīdevī). Aruṇa was a bit late to report for duty, and when questioned by Sun he detailed the happenings during the last night. This evoked the desire in the Sun to see Aruṇa in female form. Aruṇa did so, and the Sun enjoyed her. This also resulted in the birth of a son, who too was, at the instance of the Sun, entrusted to Ahalyādevī. Ahalyādevī brought both the children with tender love, which Gautama muni, her husband did not like. He cursed them and turned them into monkeys. After some time Indra went to Ahalyā to see his child and he was told the story of Gautama's curse. Indra searched out both the monkeys. In view of the elder one having a long tail he was called Bāli (Vāli) and the neck of the second one being very beautiful, he was named Sugrīva. At that time, Ṛkṣarāja, the monkey King of Kiṣkindhā was very unhappy because he had no sons. He came to know of Bāli and Sugrīva, and requested Indra to give both the monkeys to him as sons. Indra gladly obliged him. Indra blessed Bāli to the effect that half the strength of anybody who attacked him would be added to his own natural power. Indra then sent him and Sugrīva to Kiṣkindhā.
7) Synonyms.
Sūrasūta, Anūru, Aruṇa, Kāśyapi, Garudāgraja.
ARUṆA II   A king of the solar dynasty, and father of Triśaṅku. [Devī Bhāgavata, Saptama Skandha] .
ARUṆA III   A sage in ancient India. A community of Ṛṣis was denoted by this name. Those Ṛṣis were called Aruṇas. The Ajas, Pṛśnis, Sikatas, Ketus and Aruṇas-- they attained Svarga by self study. [M.B., Śānti Parva, Chapter 26, Verse 7] .
ARUṆA IV   A serpent. Karkkoṭaka, Vāsuki, Takṣaka, Pṛthuśravas, Aruṇa, Kuñjara, Mitra, Śaṁkha, Kumuda, Puṇḍarīka, and the chief of serpents, Dhṛtarāṣṭra. [M.B., Mausala Parva, Chapter 4, Verse 15] .
ARUṆA V   A Ṛṣi. Taittarīya Āraṇyaka refers to him as born from the flesh of Brahmā at the time of creation.
ARUṆA VI   A Dānava (Asura) born in the dynasty of Vipracitti. He did tapas for long years repeating the Gāyatrī mantra, and got from Brahmā the boon not to die in war. Becoming very arrogant on account of this boon he left Pātāla (nether region) for the earth and deputed a messenger to challenge Indra for war. At that time a heavenly voice called out that as long as Aruṇa did not give up the Gāyatrī he could not be worsted in war. Then the Devas sent Bṛhaspati to Aruṇa to make him give up Gāyatrī. Aruṇa questioned Bṛhaspati as to why he of the enemy camp had come to him (Aruṇa). Bṛhaspati replied: “You and I are not different; both of us are worshippers of Gāyatrī Devī. Being told so Aruṇa gave up worship of Gāyatrī Devī, and she felt offended at this and sent thousands of beetles against him. Thus, without fighting Aruṇa and his army were extinguished. [Devī Bhāgavata] .
ARUṆA VII   A son of Narakāsura. When Narakāsura was killed Aruṇa along with his six brothers fought against Śrī Kṛṣṇa and was killed.


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
 noun  धर्म-ग्रंथों के अनुसार एक देवता जो सूर्य के सारथी हैं   Ex. अरुण कश्यप मुनि के पुत्र हैं ।
पौराणिक जीव (Mythological Character)जन्तु (Fauna)सजीव (Animate)संज्ञा (Noun)
अरुन काश्यप रवि सारथी अनूरु अजंघ काश्यपि प्लवग विवस्वान वैनतेय तार्क्ष्य रमण
urdارون , کاشیپ , سارتھی , انورو , پلوگ , ویوسوان , وینتیہ
 noun  एक दानव   Ex. अरुण का उल्लेख हिन्दू धर्मग्रंथों में मिलता है ।
पौराणिक जीव (Mythological Character)जन्तु (Fauna)सजीव (Animate)संज्ञा (Noun)
 noun  संध्या की लालिमा   Ex. अरुण की यह आभा मुग्ध करनेवाली है ।
अमूर्त (Abstract)निर्जीव (Inanimate)संज्ञा (Noun)
benসান্ধ্য লালিমা
 noun  एक प्रकार का कुष्ठ रोग   Ex. उनका अरुण अब ठीक होने लगा है ।
रोग (Disease)शारीरिक अवस्था (Physiological State)अवस्था (State)संज्ञा (Noun)
 noun  माघ मास का सूर्य   Ex. अरुण की तपिश सुखद होती है ।
प्राकृतिक वस्तु (Natural Object)वस्तु (Object)निर्जीव (Inanimate)संज्ञा (Noun)
 noun  एक देश   Ex. वे अरुण के राजा थे ।
भौतिक स्थान (Physical Place)स्थान (Place)निर्जीव (Inanimate)संज्ञा (Noun)
अरुण देश अरुन अरुन देश
benঅরুণ দেশ
urdاَرُون , اَرُون ملک , اَرُون دیش
 noun  हिमालय के इस पार की एक झील   Ex. यात्री अरुण के किनारे सुस्ताने लगे ।
भौतिक स्थान (Physical Place)स्थान (Place)निर्जीव (Inanimate)संज्ञा (Noun)
अरुण झील अरुन अरुन झील
kasاَرُن , اَرُن سر
marअरूण सरोवर
oriଅରୁଣ ହ୍ରଦ
urdاَرُون , اَرُون جھیل
 noun  वह पुच्छलतारा जिसकी शिखा चंवर के समान होती है   Ex. अरुण की संख्या सतहत्तर है और इन्हें वायुपुत्र भी कहते हैं ।
प्राकृतिक वस्तु (Natural Object)वस्तु (Object)निर्जीव (Inanimate)संज्ञा (Noun)
   See : माणिक, सूर्य, जायफल, यूरेनस, कुमकुम, सिंदूर, सुबह, मजीठ, गुड़, लाल कमल, घुंघची, घुंघची, आचार्य अरुण, गरुड़, अफ़ीम


अरुण n.  सृष्टयुत्पत्ती के समय ब्रह्मदेव के मांस से उत्पन्न ऋषि । यह ब्रह्मदेव का पुत्र था [तै.आ.१.२३.२६]
अरुण (आट) n.  सर्पयज्ञ में का अच्छावाक्‍ नामक ऋत्विज [पं. ब्रा. २५.१५]
अरुण (औपवेशि) n.  एक आचार्य । यह उपवेशी का शिष्य था तथा इसका शिष्य उद्दालक था [बृ. उ. ६.५.३] । अग्न्याधान के समय वाग्यत होना चाहिये, यह बताने के लिये, इस वृद्ध आचार्य की आख्यायिका दी गयी है । सत्यपालन के लिये मौन रहना श्रेयस्कर है, ऐसा इसका तात्पर्य है [श. ब्रा.२.१.६.२०] ;[तै. सं. ६.१.९.२,४.५.१] ;[तै. ब्रा.२.१.५.११] । विख्यात उद्दालक आरुणि इसका पुत्र है । यह उपवेशि गौतम का शिष्य तथा राजपुत्र अश्वपति का समकालीन था [श. ब्रा.१०.६.१.२]
अरुण (वैतहव्य) n.  सूक्तद्रष्टा [ऋ. १०.९]
अरुण II. n.  पंचम मनु के पुत्रों में से एक ।
अरुण III. n.  दनु तथा कश्यप का पुत्र [भा. ६.६]
अरुण IV. n.  विनता तथा कश्यप का पुत्र । अनूरु तथा विपाद इसके नामांतर है, क्यों कि, जन्म से ही इसे पैर नही थे । विनता की सौत कद्रू को उनके साथ ही गर्भ रहा था, परंतु उसके पुत्रों को चलते फिरते देख, विनता अपने दो अंडों में से एक को फोडा । उसमें से कमर तक शरीरवाला पुत्र निकला । बाहर आते ही, यह ज्ञान कर कि, सौत-मत्सर के कारण इसकी यह दशा हुई है, इसने मां को शाप दिया कि, तुम्हे ५०० वर्ष तक सौत की दासी बन कर रहना पडेगा । परंतु, दूसरे अंडे को परिपक्क होने दिया तो दूसरा पुत्र दासता से तुम्हे मुक्त करेगा, ऐसा उःशाप कहा [म.आ.१४] ;[म.अनु.२०] । आगे चल कर, इसके छोटे भाई गरुड ने इसे पूर्व भाग में जा कर रखा । इसने अपने योगबल से, संतप्त सूर्य का तेज निगल लिया । उसी समय से देवताओं के कहने से, सूर्य का सारथी होना इसने स्वीकार किया [म.आ.परि.१.१४] । कश्यप तथा ताम्रा की कन्या श्येनी इसकी भार्या थी । उससे इसे संपाति, जटायु तथा श्येन आदि पुत्र हुए [म.आ.६०-६१] । निर्णयसिंधु तथा संस्कार कौस्तुभ में इसके अरुण-स्मृति का उल्लेख है (C. C.) ।
अरुण V. n.  विप्रचित्ती के वंश का एक दानव । इसने हजारों वर्षो तक गायत्रीमंत्र का जाप कर तप किया, तथा ‘युद्ध में मृत्यु न हो’ ऐसा वरदान ब्रह्मदेव से मांग लिया । आगे चल, मदोन्मत्त हो कर अपना निवासस्थान पाताल छोड कर, यह भूमि पर आया तथा इंद्रादि देवताओंको युद्ध का आव्हान देने दूत भेजा । उसी समय आकाशवाणी हुई कि, जब तक यह गायत्री का त्याग नहीं करेगा, तब तक इसे मृत्यु नहिं आयेगी । तब देवताओं ने बृहस्पति को गायत्री का त्याग करवाने भेजा । बृहस्पति को आया देख, ‘मैं आपके पक्ष का न होते हुए भी आप यहां कहॉं निकल पडे’ ऐसा इसने पूछा । तब बृहस्पति ने कहा कि, हमारे तरह ही तुम भी गायत्री के उपासक हो, इसलिये भला तुम हमारे पक्ष के कैसे नहीं? यह सुन, इसने देवताओं की उपास्य देवी गायत्री का जाप छोड दिया । इससे देवी ने संतप्त हो कर लाखों भौंरे उत्पन्न कर उन्हें इस पर छोडा, तथा बिना युद्ध किये ही सेनासहित इसे मार डाला [दे. भा. १०.१३]
अरुण VI. n.  (सू. इ.) हर्यश्व को दृषद्वती से उत्पन्न पुत्र । निबंधन तथा त्रिबंधन इसके नामांतर है ।
अरुण VII. n.  नरकासूर का पुत्र । नरकासूर को मारने पर, यह अपने छः भाइयों समेत कृष्ण पर टूट पडा । उस समय कृष्ण ने इसके सहित इसके छः भाईयों कों मार डाला ।
अरुण VIII. n.  धर्मसावर्णि मन्वन्तर में होनेवाले सप्तर्षियों में से एक ।


कोंकणी (Konkani) WN | Konkani  Konkani |   | 
 noun  एक राक्षस   Ex. अरुणाचो उल्लेख हिंदू धर्मग्रंथांत मेळटा
पौराणिक जीव (Mythological Character)जन्तु (Fauna)सजीव (Animate)संज्ञा (Noun)
 noun  एके तरेचो कुश्ठ रोग   Ex. ताचो अरुण आतां बरो जावपाक लागला
रोग (Disease)शारीरिक अवस्था (Physiological State)अवस्था (State)संज्ञा (Noun)
 noun  माघ म्हयन्याचो सूर्य   Ex. अरुणाची गर्मी सूख दिणें आसता
प्राकृतिक वस्तु (Natural Object)वस्तु (Object)निर्जीव (Inanimate)संज्ञा (Noun)
 noun  एक देश   Ex. तो अरुणाचो राजा आशिल्लो
भौतिक स्थान (Physical Place)स्थान (Place)निर्जीव (Inanimate)संज्ञा (Noun)
benঅরুণ দেশ
urdاَرُون , اَرُون ملک , اَرُون دیش
 noun  जाचें तोंक चंवरा भशेन आसता असो एक धुमकेतू   Ex. अरुणाचो आंकडो सत्यात्तर आसा आनी हांका वायुपुत्र लेगीत म्हणटात
प्राकृतिक वस्तु (Natural Object)वस्तु (Object)निर्जीव (Inanimate)संज्ञा (Noun)


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   The charioteer of Súrya; hence, the dawn.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
  m  The charioteer of सूर्य. The dawn.


 ना.  सूर्यसारथी ;
 ना.  अरुणोदय . उष ; काल , प्रभात .


मराठी (Marathi) WN | Marathi  Marathi |   | 
 noun  पुराणात वर्णीलेला सूर्याचा सारथी असणारा एक देव   Ex. अरुण हा कश्यप ऋषीचा पुत्र वा गरुडाचा थोरला भाऊ होय
पौराणिक जीव (Mythological Character)जन्तु (Fauna)सजीव (Animate)संज्ञा (Noun)
urdارون , کاشیپ , سارتھی , انورو , پلوگ , ویوسوان , وینتیہ
 noun  एक दानव   Ex. अरुणचा उल्लेख हिन्दू धर्मग्रंथांत येतो.
पौराणिक जीव (Mythological Character)जन्तु (Fauna)सजीव (Animate)संज्ञा (Noun)
   See : अफ़ीम


   सूर्याचा सारथी ; कश्यपपुत्र ; गरुडाचा वडील भाऊ .
   उष : काल ; प्रभात ; पहांट ; अरुणोदय ; ( तांबडें फुटणें ). - वि . तांबडा ; लाल ; रक्त ; आरक्त . रागेजली अरुणकांति विराज वीते । - नल ९७ [ सं . ] - णिमा - स्त्री . तांबडेपणा ; लाली ; रक्तिमा . - णोदय - पु . तांबडे फुटणें ; सूर्योदयापूर्वी पूर्वदिशेकडे रक्तप्रकाश दिंसूं लागणें ; सूर्य उगवण्यापूर्वी तीन घटकांचा काळ ; प्रभात ; पहांट . घनश्याम सुंदरा श्रीधरा अरुणोदय झाला । - होला १६ .


नेपाली (Nepali) WN | Nepali  Nepali |   | 
   See : युरेनस


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अरुण  mfn. mf(आ॑ [[RV. v, 63, 6, &c.] ] or ई॑ [[RV. x, 61, 4, &] , (nom.pl.अरुण॑यस्), 95, 6])n. (√ , [Uṇ.] ), reddish-brown, tawny, red, ruddy (the colour of the morning opposed to the darkness of night), [RV.] &c.
   perplexed, [L.]
   dumb, [L.]
   coarse (as food), [Jātakam.]
   full of, mixed with (instr. or comp.), ib.
अरुण  m. m. red colour, [BhP.]
   the dawn (personified as the charioteer of the sun), [Mn. x, 33, &c.]
   the sun, [Śāk.]
   a kind of leprosy (with red [cf.[AV. v, 22, 3 and vi, 20, 3] ] spots and insensibility of the skin), [L.]
   a little poisonous animal, [Suśr.]
   the plant Rottleria Tinctoria, [L.]
   molasses, [L.]
   N. of a teacher, [TS.] ; [ŚBr.] ; [TBr.]
   of the composer of the hymn, [RV. x, 91] (with the patron. वैतहव्य), [RAnukr.]
   of the नाग priest आट, [PBr.]
   of a son of कृष्ण, [BhP.]
   of the दैत्यमुर, ib.
वरुण   of an असुर, [MBh. xvi, 119] (v.l.), of the father of the fabulous bird जटायु, [MBh. iii, 16045]
अरुण  m. m. (अ॑रुण) N. of a pupil of उपवेशि (cf.m. above), [ŚBr. xiv]
अरुण  m. m. pl.N. of a class of केतुs (seventy seven in number), [VarBṛS.]
अरुण  m. m. (named as the composers of certain मन्त्रs), [Kāṭh.]
अरुण  n. n. red colour, [RV. x, 168, 1] , gold, [AV. xiii, 4, 51]
अरुण  m. m. a ruby, [BhP.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अरुण [aruṇa] a.  a. (-णा,
-णि  f. f.) [ऋ-उनन्; cf. [Uṇ.3.6] ]
   Reddish brown, tawny, red, ruddy (of the colour of the morning as opposed to the darkness of night); प्रत्याख्यातविशेषकं कुरबकं श्यामावदातारुणम् [M.3.5;] नयनान्यरुणानि घूर्णयन् [Ku.4.12.]
   Perplexed, embarrassed.
   णः Red colour, the colour of the dawn or morning twilight.
   The dawn personified as the charioteer of the Sun; आविष्कृतारुणपुरःसर एकतोऽर्कः [Ś.4.] 2,7.4; विभावरी यद्यरुणाय कल्पते [Ku.5.44;] [R.5.71.] [Aruṇa is represented as the elder brother of Garuḍa, being the son of Vinatā by Kaśyapa. Vinatā prematurely hatched the egg and the child was born without thighs, and hence he is called Anūru 'thighless', or Vipāda 'footless'. He cursed his mother that since she had brought him forth before the due season she would be a slave to her rival Kadrū; but at her earnest entreaties, he modified the curse and said that her next son would deliver her from bondage. Aruṇa now holds the office of the charioteer of the Sun. His wife was Śyenī, who bore him two sons Saṁpāti and Jaṭāyu.]
   The Sun; रागेण बालारुणकोमलेन [Ku.3.3,] 5.8; संसृज्यते सरसिजैररुणांशुभिन्नैः; [R.5.69;] [S.1.31.] अरुण- कररुचायतेऽन्तरीक्षे [Bu. Ch.5.87.]
   A kind of leprosy with red spots and insensibility of the skin.
   A little poisonous creature [Bhāg.8.1.1.]
  N. N. of a plant पुंनाग; also a synonym of अर्क q. v.
   Molasses (गुड).
  N. N. of a peak of the Himālaya situated to the west of Kailāsa.
  N. N. of one of the 12 Ādityas, the one presiding over Maghā.
  N. N. of a sage; उद्दालकोऽरुणात् [Bṛi. Up.6.5.3.]
   णा N. of several plants; (a) अतिविषा (Mar. अतिविख); (b) Madder (मञ्जिष्ठा); (c) त्रिवृत् commonly called Teori; (d) a black kind of the same (श्यामाका); (e) bitter apple (इन्द्रवारुणी); (f) the Gunja plant that yields the red and black berry (गुंज) used as a weight by jewellers &c. (g) मुण्डतिक्ता cf. अरुणः कपिले कुष्ठे सन्ध्यारागेऽर्कसारथौ । अव्यक्तरागे निःशब्दे द्रव्ये त्रिषु निरूपितः । स्त्रियामतिविषाश्यामामञ्जिष्ठात्रिवृतासु च । [Nm.]
  N. N. of a river.
   णी A red cow (Nir.).
   The early dawn.
   णम् Red colour; दिविस्पृश्यात्यरुणानि कृण्वन् [Rv.1.168.1.]
   Gold; अम्भो अरुणं रजतम् [Av.13.4.51.]
   Saffron. -Comp.
-अग्रजः  N. N. of Garuḍa, (अरुणः अग्रजो यस्य).
-अनुजः, -अवरजः  N. N. of Garuḍa, younger brother of Aruṇa.
-अर्चिस्  m. m. the sun.
-अश्व a.  a. having red horses, epithet of the Maruts.
   आत्मजः son of Aruṇa, N. of Jaṭāyu.
  N. N. of Saturn, Sāvarṇi Manu, Karṇa, Sugrīva, Yama and the two Aśvins. (-जा) N. of Yamunā and Tāpti.
-ईक्षण a.  a. red-eyed.
-उदकम्  N. N. of a lake. (-का) N. of a river.-उदयः break of day, dawn; चतस्रो घटिकाः प्रातररुणोदय उच्यते.
-उपलः   a ruby.
-कमलम्   a red lotus.
-केतु- ब्राह्मणम्   Name of the Brāhmaṇa of अरुणाः केतवाः Ait. Anukr.
-चूडः   A cock.
-ज्योतिस्  m. m. N. of Śiva.-दूर्वा reddish fennel.
-पराशराः   Name of the followers of a Vedic शाखा; अरुणपराशरा नाम शाखिनः ŚB. on [MS. 7.1.8.]
-प्रिय a.  a. 'beloved of red flowers and lotuses', N. of the sun.
   (या) the Sun's wife.
   shadow.-प्सु a. [अरुणं प्सु रूपं यस्य] Ved. of reddish shape or colour.
-बभ्रु a.  a. reddish-yellow.
-युज a.  a. furnished with red rays of light, epithet of the dawn.
-लोचन a.  a. red-eyed. (-नः) a pigeon.
-सारथिः   'having Aruṇa for his charioteer', the Sun.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अरुण  mfn.  (-ग्णः-ग्णा-ग्णं) Healthy, well.
   E. neg. रुग्ण sick.
अरुण  m.  (-णः)
   1. A name of the sun.
   2. Also of his charioteer, or the dawn personified as the son of KASYAPA by VINATA.
   3. The colour of the dawn, dark red, or the mixture of red and black.
   4. Tawny, (the colour.)
   5. The redness of sun-set.
   6. A kind of leprosy, with red spots and insensibility of the skin.
   7. A dumb man.
   4. (णा)
   1. A plant, (Betula.) See अतिविषा.
   2. Mader, (Rubia manjith.)
   3. Another plant, commonly Teori. See त्रिवृत्.
   4. A black kind of the same.
   5. Colocynth or bitter apple.
   6. The plant that yields the red and black berry from which the jeweller's weight, the Retti, is derived. See गुञ्जा. mfn. (-णः-णा-णं) Tawny, dark red, &c.
   E. to go, and उनन् Udādi aff.


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
   See : फणिफेन

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