Dictionaries | References


   { udghātḥ }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
उद्-घात  m. am. (√ घस्), flesh, [L.]
उद् घात
उद्-घात   b &c. See उद्-धन्, p. 188, col. 3.
उद् घात
उद्-घात  m. cm. the act of striking, wounding, inflicting a hurt
उद् घात
   a wound, blow, [Kathās.]
   slipping, tripping, [L.]
   raising, elevation, [R.]
   beginning, commencement
   a thing begun, [Ragh.] ; [Kum.] ; [Kathās.]
   breathing through the nostrils (as a religious exercise), [VāyuP.]
   a club, mallet
   a weapon, [L.]
   a division of a book, chapter, section, [L.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
उद्घातः [udghātḥ]   1 [P.VII.3.54.] Beginning, commencement; उद्घातः प्रणवो यासाम् [Ku.2.12;] आकुमारकथोद्घातं शालिगोप्यो जगुर्यशः [R.4.2.]
   Allusion, reference; कथोद्घाताः [U.2.]
   Striking, wounding, inflicting an injury.
   A stroke, blow, wound.
   Tripping, slipping, jolting, shaking (as of a carriage); ययावनुद्घातसुखेन सोऽध्वना [Śi.12.2;] [R.2.72;] [Ve.2.28;] चक्र˚ [V.1;] [U.5.1.] v. l.
   Rising, elevation.
   A club, mallet.
   A weapon (in general).
   Breathing through the nostrils as a religious exercise (Wilson).
   A division of a book, chapter; section.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
उद्घात  m.  (-तः)
   1. A beginning, a thing begun.
   2. A weapon.
   3. A club, a mallet.
   4. Striking, wounding, inflicting a hurt.
   5. A wound, a blow.
   6. The division of a book, a chapter, a section.
   7. Breathing through the nostrils as a religious exercise.
   8. Slipping, tripping. 9. High, tall.
   E. उत् before हन् to kill or destroy, and घञ् affix, is substituted for .
उत् हन् घञ्

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