उप 1.-√ 1.गॄP. (1. pl. -गृणीमसि, 3. p. -गृण॑न्ति) to approach with praise, revere, worship, [RV. i, 48, 11; ii, 34, 14.] उप 2.-√ 2.गॄP. (Pot. -गिलेत्) to swallow down, [Suśr. ii, 237, 8.] उप-√ स्तृ P. Ā. -स्तृणाति, -स्तृणीते (Ā. 1. sg. -स्ति॑रे, [RV. ii, 31, 5] ; inf. -स्ति॑रे, [RV. v, 85, 1, &c.] ; inf. used as Impv. -स्तृणिष॑नि, [RV. vi, 44, 6] [cf. गृनीषणि under √ 1.गॄ]) to spread over, cover with, clothe, wrap up, [RV. i, 162, 16; viii, 73, 3] ; [ŚBr. xiii] ; [ŚāṅkhŚr.] ; to spread out under, spread or lay under, scatter under, [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [ŚBr.] ; to scatter round, surround (the आहवनीय and गार्हपत्य fire with grass), [TBr. iii, 7, 4, 18] ; [TS.] ; (at sacrifices) to pour out (esp. clarified butter), pour out so as to form a lower layer or substratum, [TS.] ; [AitBr.] ; [ŚBr.] ; [Kauś.] ; [Gobh. &c.]