गाम्भीर्य mfn. mfn. being in the depths, [Pāṇ. 4-3, 58] गाम्भीर्य n. n. deepness, depth (of water, sound, &c.), [MBh. xiii, 4637] ; [R.] (of the voice of a जैन saint), V. depth or profundity of character, earnestness, [R.] &c. depth of meaning, deep recondite sense, [W.] dignity, [Kathās. lxxxvi, 32] generosity, cxxiv, 83 calmness, composure, [Daśar. ii, 12] ; [Sāh. iii, 50 and 53] (in rhet. ) a hidden allusion, [Pratāpar.]