पद्मिन् m. (
द्मी-) An elephant.
f. (
1. A multitude of lotuses, or place abounding in them.
2. A woman of one of the four classes into which the sex is distinguished; the first and the most excellent. She is thus described in Vāchaspatya:--
भवति कमलनेत्रा नासिकाक्षुद्ररन्ध्रा . अविरलकुचयुग्मा दीर्घकेशी कृशाङ्गी .. मृदुचरणसुशीला गीतनृत्यानुरक्ता . सकलतनुसुवेशा पद्मिनी पद्मगन्धा .. 3. A lotus, (Nelumbium speciosum.)
4. A pool or pond, espe- cially one deep enough for the growth of the lotus.
5. The fibrous stalk of a lotus.
6. A female elephant.
E. पद्म coloured marks. &c. or a lotus,
इनि aff.