प्रवर्त्तन n. (
1. Action, business, worldly interest or activity as op- posed to abstract contemplation.
2. Fixing, establishing
3. Engag- ing, (in any work.)
4. Beginning.
5. Inciting, stimulating.
6. Direct- ing, superintending.
7. Informing
8. Revolving.
9. Behaviour, con- duct, procedure.
10. Happening, coming to pass.
f. (
-ना) Order, permission, the sense of the precative, or qualified imperative tense, stimulating to action.
E. प्र before,
वृत् to be, aff.
युच् fem. aff.
ठाप् . ROOTS:
प्र वृत् युच् ठाप् .