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   { māgadhas }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English
MĀGADHAS   A particular tribe of people. If the work of Sūtas was to drive chariots and the work of Pulkasas to hunt, the work of the Māgadhas was that of an adulator. [Chapter 151, Agni Purāṇa] . This work of a flatterer was given to them by Brahmā. When the emperor Pṛthu was born, Brahmā conducted a Yāga. On the day of sutyā at the place of Somābhiṣava of the Yāga a very intelligent Sūta was born. At the same yāga a Māgadha also was born. He was a great scholar. Then the sages told Māgadha and Sūta thus: “Praise this king Pṛthu, who is the valorous son of Vena. Praising is the fittest work suited to you both. Pṛthu deserves praise.” Then the Sūta-Māgadhas placing their hands on their breasts with respect said, “What do we know of the qualities and capabilities of a king just born? His fame is not known. Based on what should we sing praises of him?” Hearing this the sages said that they should praise him for the qualities which he would be possessing in future. The king was pleased to hear that. Sūta- Māgadhas started singing eulogistic songs based on the qualities and exploits of a Pṛthu to be. Pṛthu then appointed Sūta as his charioteer and Māgadha as his adulator. From then onwards the Sūta family became charioteers and the Māgadha family flatterers. [Chapters 13--70 Aṁsa 1, Viṣṇu Purāṇa] .

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मागधस्   હિલાલ્ શુક્લ પક્ષની શરુના ત્રણ-ચાર દિવસનો મુખ્યત   ନବୀକରଣଯୋଗ୍ୟ ନୂଆ ବା   વાહિની લોકોનો એ સમૂહ જેની પાસે પ્રભાવી કાર્યો કરવાની શક્તિ કે   સર્જરી એ શાસ્ત્ર જેમાં શરીરના   ન્યાસલેખ તે પાત્ર કે કાગળ જેમાં કોઇ વસ્તુને   બખૂબી સારી રીતે:"તેણે પોતાની જવાબદારી   ਆੜਤੀ ਅਪੂਰਨ ਨੂੰ ਪੂਰਨ ਕਰਨ ਵਾਲਾ   బొప్పాయిచెట్టు. అది ఒక   लोरसोर जायै जाय फेंजानाय नङा एबा जाय गंग्लायथाव नङा:"सिकन्दरनि खाथियाव पोरसा गोरा जायो   आनाव सोरनिबा बिजिरनायाव बिनि बिमानि फिसाजो एबा मादै   भाजप भाजपाची मजुरी:"पसरकार रोटयांची भाजणी म्हूण धा रुपया मागता   नागरिकता कुनै स्थान   ३।। कोटी      ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔   ۔گوڑ سنکرمن      0      00   ૦૦   ୦୦   000   ০০০   ૦૦૦   ୦୦୦   00000   ০০০০০   0000000   00000000000   00000000000000000   000 பில்லியன்   000 மனித ஆண்டுகள்   1                  1/16 ರೂಪಾಯಿ   1/20   1/3   ૧।।   10   १०   ১০   ੧੦   ૧૦   ୧୦   ൧൦   100   ۱٠٠   १००   ১০০   ੧੦੦   ૧૦૦   ୧୦୦   1000   १०००   ১০০০   ੧੦੦੦   ૧૦૦૦   ୧୦୦୦   10000   १००००   ১০০০০   ੧੦੦੦੦   ૧૦૦૦૦   ୧୦୦୦୦   100000   ۱٠٠٠٠٠   १०००००   ১০০০০০   ੧੦੦੦੦੦   ૧૦૦૦૦૦   1000000   १००००००   ১০০০০০০   ੧੦੦੦੦੦੦   ૧૦૦૦૦૦૦   ୧୦୦୦୦୦୦   10000000   १०००००००   ১০০০০০০০   ੧੦੦੦੦੦੦੦   ૧૦૦૦૦000   ૧૦૦૦૦૦૦૦   ୧୦୦୦୦୦୦୦   100000000   १००००००००   ১০০০০০০০০   ੧੦੦੦੦੦੦੦੦   ૧૦૦૦૦૦૦૦૦   1000000000   १०००००००००   ১০০০০০০০০০   ૧૦૦૦૦૦૦૦૦૦   ୧000000000   ୧୦୦୦୦୦୦୦୦୦   
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