Dictionaries | References


   { mēruḥ }
Script: Devanagari


See : मिरु, मिरु, गेजेर


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi
See : मेरुपर्वत


मेरु n.  एक पर्वत, जिसे निम्नलिखित नौ कन्याएँ थीः


कोंकणी (Konkani) WN | Konkani  Konkani
See : मेरुपर्वत


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English
The sacred mountain Meru in the centre of the seven continents. Supposed to mean the high land of Tartary, immediately to the north of the Himálaya mountains. 2 fig. The large middle gem of a necklace. The two ends meet in it. 3 The stalk or standing tube of a गुडगुडी or hubble bubble.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English
 m  The standing tube of a गुडगुडी. The mountain मेरु. The middle gem of a necklace.


मराठी (Marathi) WN | Marathi  Marathi
See : मेरु पर्वत


हिमालयाच्या उत्तरेकडील तार्तरीचा डोंगरी प्रदेश म्हणून समजलेला , सप्तखंडांच्या मध्यभागीं असलेला , श्रेष्ठ मानलेला असा पर्वत ; स्वर्ग , मृत्यु , पाताळ यांस आधारभूत असा सोन्याचा पर्वत . तो मध्यस्थु गा गिरिवरां । मेरु जैसा । - ज्ञा ५ . ५०२ .
( ल . ) जपाच्या माळेंतील मध्यवर्ती असलेला मोठा मणी . यांत माळेचीं दोन्ही शेवटें ओवितात . स्मरणीलागीं मेरु जैसा . - अमृत १६ .
जिच्यावर चिलीम बसविलेली असते ती गुडगुडीची नळी .
सांबर , हरिण यांची एक जात . [ सं . ] सामाशब्द -
०दंड   पु पाठीचा कणा . तेणें मेरुदंड अवक्रशुद्ध । - एभा १४ . ४१० . [ सं . ]
०स्थान  न. माळेच्या मधील मोठा मणि .


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English
मेरु  m. m. ([Uṇ. iv, 101] ) N. of a fabulous mountain (regarded as the Olympus of Hindū mythology and said to form the central point of जम्बु-द्वीप; all the planets revolve round it and it is compared to the cup or seed-vessel of a lotus, the leaves of which are formed by the different द्वीपs q.v.; the river Ganges falls from heaven on its summit, and flows thence to the surrounding worlds in four streams; the regents of the four quarters of the compass occupy the corresponding faces of the mountain, the whole of which consists of gold and gems; its summit is the residence of ब्रह्मा, and a place of meeting for the gods, ऋषिs, गन्धर्वs &c., when not regarded as a fabulous mountain, it appears to mean the highland of Tartary north of the हिमालय), [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.
a partic. kind of temple, [VarBṛS.]
the central or most prominent bead in a rosary, [L.]
the most prominent finger-joint in partic. positions of the fingers, [L.]
N. of the palace of गान्धारि (one of the wives of कृष्ण), [Hariv.]
of a चक्र-वर्तिन्, [L.]
शास्त्रिन्   (with ) of a modern teacher, [Cat.]
of another man, [Rājat.]
मेरु  f. f.N. of the wife of नाभि and mother of ऋषभ, [VP.] (cf.-देवी).


मेरुः [mēruḥ]   1 N. of a fabulous mountain (round which all the planets are said to revolve and which forms the centre of the several Dvīpas; cf. द्वीप; it is also said to consist of gold and gems); विभज्य मेरुर्न यदर्थिसात् कृतः [N.1.16;] स्वात्मन्येव समाप्तहेममहिमा मेरुर्न मे रोचते [Bh.3.15.]
The central bead in a rosary.
The central gem of a necklace. -Comp.
-अद्रिकर्णिका   the earth. -धामन्m. an epithet of Śiva.
-पृष्ठम्   heaven, the sky.
-मन्दरः  N. N. of a mountain.
-यन्त्रम्   a figure shaped like a spindle.
-सावर्णः  N. N. of one of the fourteen Manus.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English
मेरु  m.  (-रुः)
1. The sacred mountain Meru, in the centre of the seven continents, compared to the cup or seed-vessel of the lotus, the leaves of which are formed by the different Dwipas: its height is said by the Hindus to be 84,000 Yojanas, sixteen thousand of which are below the surface of the earth: the shape is various- ly described, as square, conical, columnar, spherical, or spiral; and the four faces of it are of various colours, or white towards the east, yellow to the south, black to the west, and red towards the north: the river Ganges falls from heaven on its summit, and flows thence to the surrounding worlds in four streams; the southern branch is the Ganges of India, the northern running into Tartary is the Bhadrasomā, the eastern is the Sitā, and the wes- tern the Chacshu or Oxus: on the summit of Meru BRAHMĀ re- sides attended and worshipped by the Rishis, Gandharbas, &c.; the regents of the points of the compass occupy the correspond- ing faces of the mountain, the whole of which consists of gold and gems: considered in any but a fabulous light, mount Meru appears to mean the high land of Tartary, immediately to the north of the Himālaya mountains.
2. The central bead in a rosary. 3. The middle gem in a necklace.
E. मि to scatter, (radiance,) Unādi aff. रु.
मि रु

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