मेरु m. (-रुः) 1. The sacred mountain Meru, in the centre of the seven continents, compared to the cup or seed-vessel of the lotus, the leaves of which are formed by the different Dwipas: its height is said by the Hindus to be 84,000 Yojanas, sixteen thousand of which are below the surface of the earth: the shape is various- ly described, as square, conical, columnar, spherical, or spiral; and the four faces of it are of various colours, or white towards the east, yellow to the south, black to the west, and red towards the north: the river Ganges falls from heaven on its summit, and flows thence to the surrounding worlds in four streams; the southern branch is the Ganges of India, the northern running into Tartary is the Bhadrasomā, the eastern is the Sitā, and the wes- tern the Chacshu or Oxus: on the summit of Meru BRAHMĀ re- sides attended and worshipped by the Rishis, Gandharbas, &c.; the regents of the points of the compass occupy the correspond- ing faces of the mountain, the whole of which consists of gold and gems: considered in any but a fabulous light, mount Meru appears to mean the high land of Tartary, immediately to the north of the Himālaya mountains. 2. The central bead in a rosary. 3. The middle gem in a necklace. E. मि to scatter, (radiance,) Unādi aff. रु.