लेखा f. af. See below. लेखा f. bf. (cf. रेखा) a scratch, streak, line, stroke, stripe, furrow, [ŚBr.] &c., &c. चन्द्र the pale or faintly discernible streak of the young moon's crescent, [Kir.] (cf. - and शशा-ङ्क-ल्°), the act of delineation, drawing, painting, [Śak.] (v.l. ) writing, handwriting, [L.] मृग a drawing, likeness, figure, impression (cf. - and सव्य-पाद-ल्°) the drawing of lines with fragrant substances (on the face, arms, breast &c.), [L.] a hem, border, rim, edge, horizon, [Kām.] ; [VarBṛS.] शिखा the crest (= or चूडा-ग्र), [L.]