वर्व्वर mfn. Subst. (
-रः-रा or
री-रं) A sort of basil, (Ocymum pilosum, Rox.)
m. (
1. A low man one of a degraded tribe or occupa- tion, an out-caste, a barbarian.
2. A region, a country, the coun- try inhabited by barbarians.
3. Woolly or curly hair, as the hair of an African.
4. A shrub, (Siphonanthus Indica.)
5. A sort of worm.
6. The noise or clash or weapons.
7. A mode of dancing. f. (
1. A sort of potherb.
2. A small bee.
3. The Baya or [Page634-b+ 60] Indian grossbeak, (Loxia philippensis.)
n. (
1. Vermilion.
2. Gum myrrh.
3. A sort of Sandal wood.
E. वृ to choose, Unādi aff.
अरच् or the same root,
अच् aff., in the reiterative form; it is also derived from
बर्ब् to go, and is variously written
बर्ब्बर, बर्ब्बर्, बर्ब्बर and
वर्व्वर &c.