विरोधः [virōdhḥ] 1 Opposition, obstruction, impediment.
Blockade, siege, investment.
Restraint, check.
Inconsistency, incongruity, contradiction; विरोधो न विद्यते ब्रह्माद्वितीयमेव सत्यम् । (-त्रिपाद्विभूतिमहानारायणोपनिषत् 4.2.)
Antithesis, contrast.
Enmity, hostility; विरोधो विश्रान्तः
[U.6.11;] [Pt.1.332;] [R.1.13.] A quarrel, disagreement.
A calamity, misfortune.
(In Rhet.) An apparent incongruity which is merely verbal and is explained away by properly construing the passage; it consists in representing objects as antithetical to one another though in the nature of things they are not so; representing things as being together though really they cannot be together; (this figure is largely used by Bāṇa and Subandhu; पुष्पवत्यपि पवित्रा, कृष्णोऽप्यसुदर्शनः, भरतोऽपि शत्रुघ्नः being familiar instances;) it is thus defined by Mammaṭa: विरोधः सोऽविरोधे- ऽपि विरुद्धत्वेन यद्वचः
[K. P.1;] this figure is also called विरोधाभास). -Comp.
-उक्तिः f. f.,
-वचनम् contradiction, opposition.
-उपमा (in Rhet.) a comparison founded on opposition; शतपत्रं शरच्चन्द्रस्त्वदाननमिति त्रयम् । परस्परविरोधीति सा विरोधोपमा मता ॥
[Kāv.2.33.] -कारिन् a. a. fomenting quarrels.
-कृत् a. a. opposing. (-m.) an enemy.
-परिहारः reconciliation; Kull. on