वृन्द n. n. (fr. √ 1.वृ ?) a heap, multitude, host, flock, swarm, number, quantity, aggregation (वृन्दं वृन्दम्, वृन्दैस्, or वृन्दवृन्दैस्, in separate groups, in flocks or crowds), [Naigh.] ; [MBh.] &c. a bunch, cluster (of flowers or berries &c.), [BhP.] a chorus of singers and musicians, [Saṃgīt.] a partic. high number (100,000 millions), [L.] वृन्द m. m. a tumour in the throat, [Suśr.] a partic. high number (1,000 millions), [Āryabh.] वृन्दा (with जैनs) a partic. शक्ति, [L.] (prob. ) N. of a medical author, [Bhpr.] वृन्द mfn. mfn. numerous, many, much, all, [W.]