vyāvahārikanāma or -नांव n The common or familiar name. Termed also चालतें or वाहतें नाम or नांव, प्रतिष्ठानाम, उपचारिक नांव, and, sometimes, पोषाखी नांव. Every person bears a name of this kind. The following are examples; viz. अण्णा or अन्या, अप्पा, अबा, आत्या, काका, तात्या, दाजी, दादा, नाना, बापा, बावा or ब्वा, बापाजी or बावाजी, बापु, भाऊ, मामा, रावजी or राव. These names, of different origin and import, are now used, almost interchangeably, as terms of respectful compellation or mention.