सम mfn. 1mfn. (connected with 7.स and with 2.सम॑ and समान; cf. समह, used as pron. : declined like सर्वe.g. समस्मै, [RV. vi, 51, 6] ) any, every, [RV.] सम [cf. Gk. ἁμός, ἀμός; Goth. suma; Angl.Sax. sum; Eng. some.] सम mfn. 2.mf(आ॑)n. (prob. originally identical with prec. ; cf. समान) even, smooth, flat, plain, level, parallel (कर्ण-स्°, ‘on a level with the ear’; भूमि- or भूमेः समं-√ कृ, ‘to make level with the earth’), [RV.] &c. &c. मया सम same, equal, similar, like, equivalent, like to or identical or homogeneous with (instr. e.g. , ‘like to me’; or gen. , rarely abl. ), like in or with regard to anything (instr. gen. loc. , or -तस्, or comp. ; समं-√ कृ, ‘to make equal, balance’), ib. always the same, constant, unchanged, fair, impartial towards (loc. or gen. ), ib. even (not ‘odd’), a pair, [VarBṛS.] समं-√ कृ having the right measure, regular, normal, right, straight (, ‘to put right or in order’), [AitBr.] &c. &c. equable, neutral, indifferent, [VarBṛS.] equally distant from extremes, ordinary, common, middling, [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c. just, upright, good, straight, honest, ib. easy, convenient, [Pañcat.] full, complete, whole, entire, [L.] सम m. m. peace (perhaps w.r. for शम), [R.] ; [Kām.] the point of intersection of the horizon and the meridian line, [Gol.] N. of partic. zodiacal signs (esp. वृष, कर्कट, कन्या, वृश्चिक, मकर, and Mina), [MW.] a kind of straight line placed over a numerical figure to mark the process of extracting the square root, ib. (in music) a kind of time, [Saṃgīt.] a grass-conflagration, [L.] a जिन, [Gal.] N. of a son of धर्म, [VP.] of a son of धृतराष्ट्र, [MBh.] शम of a king of the नन्दि-वेगs (v.l. ), ib. सम n. n. level ground, a plain (समे॑ भू॑म्याः, ‘on level ground’), [AV.] ; [ŚBr.] ; [Mn.] ; [MBh.] ; [R.] equability, equanimity, imperturbability, [MBh.] एन likeness, similarity, equality (, ‘equally, in the same manner’), [Kāś.] on [Pāṇ. 2-3, 18] एन right measure or proportion (, ‘exactly, precisely’), [ŚBr.] settlement, compensation, [Mn. viii, 177] good circumstances, [Mṛcch.] (in rhet. ) a partic. figure, sameness of objects compared to one another, [Pratāp.] ; [Kuval.] (in geom. ) a mean proportional segment (described as a fourth proportional to the two perpendiculars and the link or segment, and used for solving problems in a trapezium), [Col.] समा f. = f. a year (See पाप-स्°, पुण्य-स्°, and सु-षम) सम [cf. Gk. ἅμα, ὁμός, ὁμαλός; Lat. similis; Germ. same, -sam; Eng. same.] स-म mfn. 3.mfn. (fr. 7.स+मा) ‘together with लक्ष्मि’, happy, prosperous, [Nalôd.]