पञ्च—मूल m. m.
N. of an attendant of दुर्गा, [Kathās.]
पञ्च—मूल fn. nf (
ई). (also °लक) a class or group of 5 roots or plants with tuberous roots (according to, [Suśr.] there are 5 classes each containing 5 medicinal plant, viz. कनीयस् or अल्पम् or क्षुद्रकम्, महत्, वल्ली-संज्ञः [sc. गणः], कण्टक-स्°, and त्रिण-स्°i.e. the smaller and the larger cl° , the creepers, the thorny plants and the 5 kinds of grass; other groups are also enumerated), [Suśr.] ; [Bhpr. &c.]
पञ्चमूल n. (
-लं) The assemblage of five roots, viz:--The Bel, Premna longi- folia, Cassia, Gmelian arborea, and the Trumpet flower.
f. (
-ली) A similar aggregate of five roots, considered as the similar one, viz:--Hedysarum gangeticum, H. logopodioides, Solanum melon- gena, S. Jacquini, and Tribulus lanuginosus.
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