अहिर् बुध्न्यस् m.
nom. sg. m. (instr. अ॑हिना बुध्न्ये॑न, [RV. iv, 55, 6] ) = ὄφιςΠύθων, the serpent of the deep (enumerated in [Naigh. v, 4 and] ; [Nir. x, 44] among the divinities of the middle region, the abyss in which he lives being that of the region of mist), [RV.] ; [VS. x, 19]
nom. sg. allegorically identified with अग्निगार्हपत्य, [VS. v, 33] ; [TBr.] ; [AitBr.]
nom. sg. in later times:
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