a Royal. Imperial freely, grand, fine, superb, splendid, noble &c. Exceeding, extraordinary.
Granted by, suitable to, pertaining or relating to the Muhammadan kings;--used esp. of मोहर, सनद, शिक्का, परवाना, रिवाज, शिरस्ता, डौल, सरंजाम &c. 2 Kingly or royal; and, freely, grand, fine, superb, splendid, noble &c. Pr. मन पा0 पण दैव गांडू. 3 Used with nouns of a certain class in the general sense Exceeding, extraordinary, superlative &c.; as पादशाही जुलूम or जबरी Monstrous tyranny; पादशाही लबाडी Extreme lying; पादशाही कारखाना -कारभार -मुलूक- पीक-आमदनी &c.
पादशाहत f The kingly office or dignity.
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