मेथि mfn. m. (perhaps
fr. √ 1.मि) a pillar, post (esp. a pillar in the middle of a threshing-floor to which oxen are bound, but also any central point or centre), [AV.] &c. &c. (also मेथी, f.; v.l. मेधिf.मेधीf.मेढीf., मेठिf., मेठीf.; मेधी-भूतmfn. forming a solid pillar or centre, [MBh.] )
mf. cattle-shed, [AV.] (f(
मेथी). , [TāṇḍBr.] )
मेथि m. (
°मेथी f. a prop for supporting carriage-shafts, [AV.] ; &c. (also , f.)
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