Dictionaries | References


   { asura }
Script: Devanagari


बर'/बड़ो (Bodo) WN | Bodo  Bodo |   | 
   See : रायखस


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
ASURA   Those born to Kaśyapa of his wife Danu are called Dānavas and those born of his wife Diti are called Daityas. They belong to the demonaic dynasty (Refer under ‘Asuravaṁśa’ in the genealogy chart). Renowned among the asuras were the following: Prahlāda, Saṁhlāda, Anuhlāda, Śibi, Bāṣkala, Virocana, Kumbha, Nikumbha, Bali, Bāṇa, Mahākāla, Vipracitti, Śambara, Namuci, Pulomā, Viśruta, Asilomā, Keśī, Durjaya, Ayaśśiras, Aśvaśśiras, Aśva, Śaṅku, Mahābala, Garga, Mūrdhā, Vegavān, Ketumān, Svarbhānu, Aśvapati, Vṛṣaparvā, Ajaka, Aśvagrīva, Sūkṣma, Tuhūṇḍa, Ekapād, Ekacakra, Virūpākṣa, Harāhara, Candra, Kupaṭa, Kapaṭa, Para, Śarabha, Śalabha, Sūrya and Candramas.


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
 noun  वैद्यक के अनुसार एक प्रकार का प्रमाद रोग   Ex. असुर में रोगी को पसीना नहीं आता है और वह अंडबंड बकता है ।
रोग (Disease)शारीरिक अवस्था (Physiological State)अवस्था (State)संज्ञा (Noun)
   See : राक्षस, राक्षस


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   An evil spirit or demon.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
  m  A demon.
असुरी   Relating to the असुर, desperate.
  f  A female evil spirit.


 ना.  दानव , दैत्य , निशाचर , राक्षस .


मराठी (Marathi) WN | Marathi  Marathi |   | 
   See : राक्षस, राक्षस


   दैत्य ; राक्षस ; दानव ( सृष्ट्युत्पत्तीच्या आरंभीं तुफानी वार्‍यांस असुर म्हणत , नंतर अंधारास म्हणत , त्यानंतर आर्येतर जातींस ही संज्ञा लावीत . ऋग्वेदांत बहुतेक ठिकाणीं असुर याचा अर्थ शक्तिवान , वीर्यवान असाच केला आहे . पुढील वाडमयांत देवशत्रु असा रुढ अर्थ झाला . ) सुरांअसुरातें ठकवूनी । महादेव मोहिला ॥ - एरुस्व २ . १९ .
   असिरिया देश ; त्या देशांतील लोक .
   बिहारमधील एक अनार्य जात . [ सं . असु = प्राण , बल - असुर ]


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
असुर  mfn. amfn. (√ 2.अस्, [Uṇ.] ), spiritual, incorporeal, divine, [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [VS.]
असुर  m. m. a spirit, good spirit, supreme spirit (said of वरुण), [RV.] ; [VS.]
   the chief of the evil spirits, [RV. ii, 30, 4 and vii, 99, 5]
   an evil spirit, demon, ghost, opponent of the gods, [RV. viii, 96, 9]
दैत्य   x; [AV.] &c. [these असुरs are often regarded as the children of दिति by कश्यप See ; as such they are demons of the first order in perpetual hostility with the gods, and must not be confounded with the राक्षसs or imps who animate dead bodies and disturb sacrifices]
   a N. of राहु, [VarBṛS.] &c.
   the sun, [L.]
   a cloud, [Naigh.] (cf.[RV. v, 83, 6] )
असुर  m. m. pl.N. of a warrior-tribe, (g.पर्श्व्-आदि, q.v.)
असुर  m. m. of a Vedic school
असुर   ([In later Sanskṛtसुर has been formed from असुर, as सित from असितq.v.])
असुर   b See अ॑सु.


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
असुर [asura] a.  a. [असु-र [Uṇ1.42] ]
   Living, alive, spiritual.
   An epithet of the Supreme Spirit or Varuṇa.
   Incorporeal, super-human, divine.
-रः   [According to Nir. अ सुरताः स्थानेषु न सुष्टु रताः स्थानेषु चपला इत्यर्थः; or अस्ताः प्रच्याविता देवैः स्थानेम्यः or from असु; असुः प्राणः तेन तद्वन्तो भवन्ति रो मत्वर्थ; or सोर्देवानसृजत तत्सुराणां सुरत्वम्, असोः असुरानसृजत तदसुराणामसुरत्वम्; सोः = प्रशस्तादात्मनः प्रदेशात्]
   An evil spirit, a demon; the chief of the evil spirits; वृकद्वरसो असुरस्य वीरान् [Rv.2.3.4.] the Rām. thus accounts for the name: सुराप्रतिग्रहाद्देवाः सुरा इत्य- भिविश्रुताः । अप्रतिग्रहणात्तस्या दैतेयाश्चासुरास्तथा ॥ [In the oldest parts of the Ṛigveda the term Asura is used for the Supreme Spirit and in the sense of 'god', 'divine'; it was applied to several of the chief deities such as Indra, Agni, and especially Varuṇa. It afterwards acquired an entirely opposite meaning, and came to signify a demon or an enemy of the gods. The Brāhmaṇas state that Prajāpati createdAsuras with the breath (Asu); particularly from the lower breath. The Vāyu P. says that Asuras were first produced as sons from Prajāpati's groin; cf. also Nir. above].
   A general name for the enemies of gods, Daityas and Dānavas, distinguished from Rākṣasas descended from Pulastya; कानीयसा एव देवा ज्यायसा असुराः [Bṛi. Up.1.3.] [Bg.11.22.]
   A ghost or spectre.
   The sun (said to be from अस् to shine).
   An elephant.
   An epithet of Rāhu.
   A cloud.
  N. N. of a warrior tribe.
   रा Night.
   A zodiacal sign.
   A prostitute.
   री A female demon, wife of an Asura.
  N. N. of the plant Sinapis Racemosa Roxb. (Mar. काळी मोहरी).-Comp. -अधिपः,
   इन्द्रः, राज्, जः the lord of the Asuras.
   an epithet of Bali, grandson of Prahlāda; यज्ञं चकार सुमहानसुरेन्द्रो महाबलः [Rām.1.29.6.]
   आचार्यः, गुरुः N. of the preceptor of the Asuras, Sukrāchārya.
   the planet Venus.
-आह्वम्   bell-metal.
-क्षयण, -क्षिति a.  a. destroying the Asuras; असुरक्षयणं वधं त्रिषन्धिं दिव्याश्रयन् [Av.11.1.1;] यमबध्नाद् बृहस्पतिर्देवेभ्यो असुरक्षितिम् [Av.1.6.22.]
   गुरुः The planet Venus (शुक्र).
-द्रुह्   'Enemy of the Asuras', a god; पुरः क्लिश्नाति सोमं हि सैंहिके- योऽसुरद्रुहाम् [Śi.2.35.]
-द्विष्  m. m. an enemy of the Asuras,i. e. a god.
-माया   demoniacal magic; येना श्रवस्यवश्चरथ देवा इवासुरमायया [Av.3.9.4.]
-रक्षस्  n. n. (pl.) the Asuras and Rākṣasas. (-सम्) a demoniacal being partaking of the qualities of both the classes.
-रिपुः, -सूदनः   'destroyer of Asuras', an epithet of Viṣṇu; भ्राता भव यवीयांस्त्वं शक्रस्यासुरसूदन [Rām.1.29.17.] -हन्m.
   One who destroys the Asuras, an epithet of Agni, Indra &c.
  N. N. of Viṣṇu.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
असुर  mf.  (-रः-रा) An Asura or demon: the Asuras are children of DITI by KASYAPA; they are demons of the first order, and in perpetual hostility with the gods.
  m.  (-रः) The sun.
  f.  (-रा)
   1. Night.
   2. A zodiacal sign.
   3. A prostitude.
  f.  (-री)
   1. Black mustard, (Sinapis ramosa.)
   2. The wife of an Asura.
   E. neg. and मुर a deity; or अस् to send, to cast, &c. and उरन् Unādi affix, टाप् and ङीप् for the fem. or neg. and सुरा spirituous liquor, personified as a dam- sel produced at the churning of the ocean, who was rejected by the demons and received by the gods.
मुर अस् उरन् टाप् ङीप् सुरा

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