इतर [itara] pron. a.pron. a. pron. a. (-रा f.,
-रत् n. n.)
Another, the other (of two), the remaining one of the two; इतरो दहने स्वकर्मणाम्
[R.8.2] v. l.
The rest or other (pl.). what is left. इतरदधिकार्थे˚ ।
[MS.7.1.16] (on which शबर writes इतरदधिकार्थे समानमितरत् समानमधिकमित्यर्थः ।).
Other than, different fr om (with abl.); इतरताप- शतानि यथेच्छया वितर तानि सहे चतुरानन Udb.; इतरो रावणादेष राघवानुचरो यदि
[Bk.8.16.] Opposite of, either used by itself as an adj. or at the end of comp.; जङ्गमानीत- राणि च Rām.; विजयायेतराय वा Mb.; सुलभेतरसंप्रयोगाम्
[M.5.3] opposite of, other than easy, difficult; so दक्षिण˚ left; वाम˚ right &c.
Low, mean, vulgar, ordinary; इतर इव परिभूय ज्ञानं मन्मथेन जडीकृतः
[K.154,16,23,273.] इतर-इतर the one-the other, this-that. -Comp. -इतरpron. a. respective, reciprocal, one with another (chiefly in oblique cases or in comp.); वियुक्तावितरेतरम्
[Ms.9.12;] ˚काम्यया 3.35;
[R.7.54.] ˚आश्रयः mutual dependence, inter-connection. ˚योगः
mutual connection or union, मोदितालिरितरेतरयोगात्
[Śi.1.24.] a variety of the Dvandva compound (opp. समाहारद्वन्द्व) where each member of the compound is viewed separately; as प्लक्षन्यग्रोधौ छिनत्ति.
-जनाः (pl.)
other men.
euphemistically said of certain beings considered as spirits of darkness of which Kubera is one.
-जातीय a. a. Ordinary, common-place.