Dictionaries | References


   { kumbhḥ, kumbha }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
KUMBHA   II. Son of Kumbhakarṇa, whose wife Vajrajvālā bore him two sons called Kumbha and Nikumbha. Both of them were very powerful, and Kumbha, in the Rāma-Rāvaṇa war defeated the army of monkeys on various occasions. Many of the ministers of Sugrīva tried to defeat Kumbha. Aṅgada, son of Bāli also could not stand up to him. Then Sugrīva fought against Kumbha and flung him into the sea when the water in it rose up to the level of mount Vindhya. Kumbha came ashore from the sea roaring but was fisted to death by Sugrīva. [Vālmīki Rāmāyaṇa, Yuddha Kāṇḍa, Canto 76] .
KUMBHA I   One of the three sons of Prahlāda, the other two being Virocana and Nikumbha. [Ādi Parva, Chapter 65, Verse 19] .


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
   See : कुंभ राशि, कुंभ, कुंभ, कुंभ, कुंभक


नेपाली (Nepali) WN | Nepali  Nepali |   | 
   See : कुम्भ राशि


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
कुम्भ  f. m. a jar, pitcher, water-pot, ewer, small water-jar [often ifc. (f(). ) e.g.छिद्र-क्°, a perforated pitcher, [R.] ; आम-क्°, a jar of unbaked clay, [Pañcat.] ; हेम-क्°, a golden ewer, [Ragh. ii, 36] ; [Amar.] ; जल-क्°, a water-pot, [Pañcat.] ] [RV.] ; [AV.] &c.
   an urn in which the bones of a dead person are collected, [ĀśvGṛ.] ; KātyŚr.; [ŚāṅkhŚr.]
   the sign of the zodiac Aquarius, [Jyot.] ; [VarBṛS.] &c.
   a measure of grain (equal to twenty द्रोणs, a little more than three bushels and three gallons; commonly called a comb; some make it two द्रोणs or sixty-four Seers), [Mn. viii, 320] ; [Hcat.]
   the frontal globe or prominence on the upper part of the forehead of an elephant (there are two of these prominences which swell in the rutting season), [MBh.] ; [Bhartṛ.] &c.
   a particular part of a bed, [VarBṛS.]
   N. of a plant (and also of its fruit), [BhP. x, 18, 14]
   the root of a plant used in medicine
   a religious exercise, viz. closing the nostrils and mouth so as to suspend breathing, [L.]
   the paramour of a harlot, bully, flash or fancy man, [L.]
   N. of a मन्त्र (pronounced over a weapon), [R. i]
   N. of a दानव (a son of प्रह्लाद and brother of निकुम्भ), [MBh. i, 2527] ; [Hariv.]
   of a राक्षस (son of कुम्भकर्ण), [R.] ; [BhP.]
   of the father of the nineteenth अर्हत् of the present अवसर्पिणी, [Jain.]
   of a monkey, [R. iv, 33, 14]
   one of the thirty-four जातकs or former births of शाक्य-मुनि, [L.]
   N. of wk.[Sāh.]
कुम्भ  n. n. the plant Ipomoea Turpethum, [L.]
गुग्गुलु   a fragrant resin (), or the plant which bears it, [L.]
   gold, [Gal.]
कुम्भ   [cf.Gk.κύμβη; Lat.cymba.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
कुम्भः [kumbhḥ]   [कुं भूमिं कुत्सितं वा उम्भति पूरयति उम्भ्-अच् शकं˚ [Tv.] ]
   A pitcher, water-pot, jar; इयं सुस्तनी मस्तकन्यस्तकुम्भा Jag.; वर्जयेत्तादृशं मित्रं विषकुम्भं पयोमुखम् [H.1.74;] [R.2.36;] so कुच˚, स्तन˚.
   The frontal globe on the forehead of an elephant; इभकुम्भ [Māl.5.32;] मत्तेभकुम्भदलने भुवि सन्ति शूराः [Bh.1.59.]
   Aquarius, the eleventh sign of the zodiac.
   A measure of grain equal to 2 droṇas; धान्यं दशभ्यः कुम्भेभ्यो हरतोऽभ्यधिकं वधः [Ms.8.32.]
   (In Yoga phil.) Closing the nostrils and mouth so as to suspend breathing.
   The paramour of a harlot.
   An urn in which the bones of dead bodies are collected.
   A kind of heart-disease.
  N. N. of a plant (and also of its fruit); क्वचिद् बिल्वैः क्वचित्कुम्भैः क्वचिच्चा- मलकमुष्टिभिः [Bhāg.1.18.14.]
-भा   A harlot, a whore.-भम् A fragrant resin (गुग्गुल). -Comp.
-उदरः   one of the attendants of Śiva; अवेहि मां किङ्करमष्टमूर्तेः कुम्भोदरं नाम निकुम्भमित्रम् [R.2.35.]
-उलूकः   a kind of owl; हृत्वा पिष्ट- मयं पूपं कुम्भोलूकः प्रजायते [Mb.13.111.11.]
-उलूखकम्   a medicinal plant (Mar. गुग्गुळ).
-कर्णः   'pitcher-eared', N. of a gigantic Rākṣasa, a brother of Rāvaṇa and slain by Rāma. [He is said to have devoured thousands of beings including sages and heavenly nymphs, and the gods were anxiously waiting for an opportunity to retaliate upon the powerful demon. After Brahmā had inflicted on him a curse for the humiliation to which he subjected Indra and his elephant Airāvata, Kumbhakarṇa began to practise the most rigid austerities. Brahmā was pleased and was about to grant him a boon, when the gods requested Sarasvatī to sit on his tongue and to pervert it. Accordingly when he went to the god, instead of asking Indrapada he asked Nidrāpada which was readily granted. It is said that he slept for six months at a time, and, when roused, was awake for only one day. When Lankā was besieged by the monkey-troops of Rāma, Ravāṇa with great difficulty roused Kumbhakarṇa, desirous of availing himself of his gigantic strength. After having drunk 2 jars of liquor, he took Sugrīva prisoner, besides devouring thousands of monkeys. He was ultimately slain by Rāma.] [Rām.6;] [R.12.8.]
   an epithet of Śiva; [Mb.12.]
-कामला   a bilious affection.
   कारः a potter; मृद्दण्डचक्रसंयोगात्कुम्भकारो यथा घटम् (करोति) [Y.3.146.]
   a mixed tribe (वेश्यायां विप्रतश्चौर्यात् कुम्भकारः स उच्यते Uśanas; or मालाकारात्कर्मकर्यां कुम्भकारो व्यजायत Parāśara).
   a serpent.
   a kind of wild fowl.
   (री), कारिका the wife of a potter.
   a kind of collyrium.
-घोणः  N. N. of a town.
-जः, -जन्मन्  m. m.
   संभवः epithets of Agastya; एतदाख्याय रामाय महर्षिः कुम्भसंभवः [Rām.7.8.1;] प्रससादोदयादम्भः कुम्भयोनेर्महौजसः [R.4.21;15.55.]
   an epithet of Droṇa, the military preceptor of the Kauravas and Pāṇḍavas.
   an epithet of Vasiṣṭha.
-दासी   a bawd, procuress; sometimes used as a term of reproach or abuse.
-धरः   the sign ef the zodiac called Aquarius.-पञ्जरः a niche in the wall.
-राशिः   the sign Aquarius.
-रेतस्  m. m. a form of Agni.
-लग्नम्   that time of the day in which Aquarius rises above the horizon.
   मण्डूकः (lit.) a frog in a pitcher.
   (fig.) an inexperienced man; cf. कूपमण्डूक.
-शाला   pottery.-सन्धिः the hollow on the top of an elephant's head between the frontal globes.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
कुम्भ  m.  (-म्भः)
   1. A small water jar.
   2. The frontal globe on the upper part of the forehead of an elephant; there are two of these projec- tion, which swell in the rutting season.
   3. A sign of the zodiac, (Aquarius.)
   4. A proper name, the nephew of Ravana considered as a Rakshasa or demon.
   5. The paramour of a harlot, a bully, a flash or fancy man.
   6. (In Yoga phil) A religious exercise, closing the nostrils and mouth so as to suspend breathing.
   7. A measure of grain equal to twenty Dronas, a little more than three bushels and three gallons, or a Comb: some make it to Dronas or sixty-four Seers.
  n.  (-म्भं)
   1. A fragrant resin or the plant which bears it, (Bdellium.)
   2. A plant commonly Teori: see त्रिवृत्.
  f.  (-म्भी)
   1. A pot, an earthen cooking vessel, a small jar.
   2. Kayaphal, a small tree, the seeds of which are used in medicine: see कट्फल
   3. An aquatic plant, (Pistia stratiotes.)
   4. Trumpet flower, (Bignonia suave-olens.) (-म्भा) A harlot, a whore.
   E. कु the earth, or base, vile, &c. उम्भ् to fill, and अण् or अच् affix, deriv, irr.
कु उम्भ् अण् अच्

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