कृत् mfn. 1.mfn. only ifc. ([Pāṇ. 6-1, 182] ) making, doing, performing, accomplishing, effecting, manufacturing, acting, one who accomplishes or performs anything, author (See सु-क्°, कर्म-क्°, पाप-क्°, &c.) कृत् m. m. an affix used to form nouns from roots, [VPrāt.] ; [Pāṇ. 3-1, 93; 4, 67; 6-1, 71; 7-2, 8 and 11; 3, 33; 8-4, 29] a noun formed with that affix, [Nir.] ; [PārGṛ.] ; [Gobh.] ; [Pāṇ.] कृत् 2.cl. 6. P. कृन्त॑ति, ep. also Ā. °ते and cl. 1. P. कर्तति (perf. चकर्त, 2nd fut. कर्त्स्यति or कर्तिष्यति, 1st fut. कर्तिता, [Pāṇ. 7-2, 57] ; Subj. कृन्त॑त्; aor. अकर्तीत्, Ved. 2. sg. अकृतस्), to cut, cut in pieces, cut off, divide, tear asunder, destroy, [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [AitBr.] ; [MBh.] &c.: Caus. कर्तयतिid. , [Pañcat.] : Desid. चिकर्तिषति or चिकृत्सति, [Pāṇ. 7-2, 57] ; कृत् [cf. κείρω, κάρσις; Lith. kertuinf. kirsti, ‘to cut’; Slav. korjū, ‘to split’; Lat. curtus, culter; Hib. ceartaighim, ‘I prune, trim, cut’; cuirc, ‘a knife.’] कृत् f. 3.cl. 7. P. कृण॑त्ति (impf. 3. pl. अ॑कृन्तन्), to twist threads, spin, [AV.] ; [TS. ii] ; [ŚBr. iii] ; [MaitrS.] = [TāṇḍyaBr.] ([Nir. iii, 21] ); to wind (as a snake), [AV. i, 27, 2] (pr. p. f.कृन्तती॑); to surround, encompass, attire, [Dhātup. xxix, 10.]