Dictionaries | References


Script: Devanagari


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   khāpaṛyā a An abusive epithet or term from खापर shard, and applied freely in the sense luckless and wretched, or without implication very precise or definite. Ex. ऐसे म्हणोन क्रोधदृष्टि ॥ धरोनि वोढिला मणगटीं ॥ म्हणे खापऱ्यासीं पडली गांठीआतां नव्हे सुटी सर्वथा ॥. see further under खापऱ्या चोर, खाप- ऱ्या नारळ, & खापरतोंड.

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