गणः [gaṇḥ] [गण् कर्मणि कर्तरि वा अच्] A flock, multitude, group, troop, collection; गुणिगणगणना, भगणः A series, a class. A body of followers or attendants. Particularly, a troop of demigods considered as Śiva's attendants and under the special superintendence of Gaṇeśa, a demigod of this troop; गणानां त्वा गणपतिं हवामहे कविं कवीनाम् &c.; गणा नमेरुप्रसवावतंसाः [Ku.1.55,7.4,71;] [Me.35.57;] [Ki.5.13.] Any assemblage or society of men formed for the attainment of the same objects. A company, association. A tribe, class. A series of lunar mansions classed under three heads (of god, men and demons). A sect (in philosophy, religion). A small body of troops (a sub-division of अक्षौहिणी), consisting of 27 chariots, as many elephants, 81 horses and 135 foot; [Mb.1.2.21.] A number (in math.). A foot (in prosody). (In gram.) A series of roots or words belonging to the same rule and called after the first word of that series; e. g. भ्वादिगण i. e. the class of roots which begin with भू. An epithet of Gaṇeśa. -Comp. -अग्रणी m. m. N. of Gaṇeśa. -अचलः N. N. of the mountain Kailāsa, as the residence of the Gaṇas of Śiva. अधिपः, अधिपतिः N. of Śiva; [Śi.9.27.] N. N. of Gaṇeśa. the chief of a troop of soldiers or of a class of disciples, of a body of men or animals. -अन्नम् a mess, food prepared for number of persons in common; [Ms.4.29,219.] -अभ्यन्तर a. a. one of a troop or number. (-रः) the leader or member of any religious association; [Ms.3.154.] -ईशः N. N. of Gaṇapati, Śiva's son (see गणपति below). ˚जननी an epithet of Pārvatī. ˚भूषणम् red-lead. an epithet of Śiva; गणभर्तृरुक्षा [Ki.5.42.] the leader of a class. -भोजनम् mess, eating in common. -यज्ञः a rite common to all. -रत्नमहोदधिः a collection of grammatical gaṇas by Vardhamāna.-राज्यम् N. of an empire in the Deccan; [Bṛi. S.14.] 14. -रात्रम् a series of nights. -वल्लभः a general of the army (सेनानायक); [Rām.2.81.12.] -वृत्तम् see गणच्छन्दस्.-हासः, -हासकः a species of perfume. ईशानः, ईश्वरः an epithet of Gaṇeśa. of Śiva. -उत्साहः the rhinoceros. कारः a classifier. an epithet of Bhīmasena. -कृत्वस् ind. for a whole series of times, for a number of times. -गतिः a particular high number. -चक्रकम् a dinner eaten in common by a party of virtuous men. -छन्दस् n. n. metre regulated and measured by feet. -तिथ a. a. forming a troop or collection. दीक्षा initiation of a number or a class. performance of rites for a number of persons.-दीक्षिन् a. one who officiates for a number of persons or for various castes (as a priest). one who has been initiated into the worship of Ganeśa. -देवताः (pl.) groups of deities who generally appear in classes of troops; Ak. thus classifies them: आदित्यविश्ववसव- स्तुषिता भास्वरानिलाः । महाराजिकसाध्याश्च रुद्राश्च गणदेवताः ॥ द्रव्यम् public property, common stock; [Y.2.187.] a variety of articles. धरः the head of a class or number. the teacher of a school. नाथः, नाथकः an epithet of Śiva. of Gaṇeśa. the leader of the attendants of any god; [Bhāg.5.17.13.] the head of an assemblage or corporation; [Bṛi. S.15.4.] -नायिका an epithet of Durgā. -पः, पतिः N. of Śiva. N. N. of Gaṇeśa. [He is the son of Śiva and Pārvatī, or of Pārvatī only; for according to one legend, he sprang from the scurf of her body. He is the god of wisdom and remover of obstacles; hence he is invoked and worshipped at the commencement of every important undertaking. He is usually represented in a sitting posture, short and fat, with a protuberant belly, and four hands; riding a mouse; and with the head of an elephant. This head has only one tusk, the other having been lost in a scuffle between him and Paraśurāma when he opposed the latter's entrance to Śiva's inner apartments; (whence he is called Ekadanta, Ekadaṁṣṭra &c.). There are several legends accounting for his elephant head. It is said that he wrote the Mahābhārata at the dictation of Vyāsa who secured his services as a scribe from the god Brahman]. also an epithet of Bṛihaspati and Indra. the leader of a class or troop.-पर्वत see गणाचल. -पाठः a collection of gaṇas or series of words falling under the same grammatical rule.-पीठकम् the breast, bosom. -पुङ्गवः the head of a tribe or class. (pl.) N. of a country and its people; [Bṛi. S.4.24.] -पूर्वः the leader of a tribe or class; (ग्रामणी); [Mb.13.23.2.] ˚तापनी N. of a Upaniṣad. -भर्तृ m. m.