गृध् cl. 4. P. गृ॑ध्यति (perf. 3. pl. जगृधुर्, [BhP. v, 4, 1] ; जागृधु॑र्, ii, 23, 16">[RV. ii, 23, 16] ; aor. अ॑गृधत्, 34, 4">[RV. x, 34, 4] ; fut. गर्धिष्यति, [ŚBr. iii] ; pr. p. गृ॑ध्यत्, iv, 38, 3">[RV. iv, 38, 3] ; ind.p. गृद्ध्वा, 64, 40">[BhP. x, 64, 40] ), to endeavour to gain, iv, 38, 3">[RV. iv, 38, 3] ; viii, 6, 1">[AV. viii, 6, 1] ; to covet, desire, strive after greedily, be desirous of or eager for ( loc. [ [RV.] ; [AV.] &c.] or acc. [ĪśUp.] ; iv, 276">[MBh. iv, 276] ; vi, x">[BhP. v, vi, x] ) : Caus. P. गर्धयति, to be greedy, xxxii, 124">[Dhātup. xxxii, 124] ; to make desirous or greedy, ---14--- ; [Kāś.] ; Ā. °यते, to deceive, cheat, ib.; viii, 43">---16--- : Intens. 2. sg. impf. अजर्घाः, [Pāṇ. 8-3, 14] ; [Kāś.] ; गृध् [cf. अनु-, प्रति-; अभि-घृध्न, प्र-गर्धिन्; cf. also old Germ. gir: Mod. Germ. gier: Engl. greedy (?) : Goth. gredags, gaurs: Hib. greadaim, ‘I burn’; greadhnach, ‘joyful, glad’; gradh, ‘love, charity; dear’; graidhneog, ‘a beloved female’, &c.: Lith. godus, gedu: Slav. glad, ‘hunger.’]