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Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
जालक  n. n. a net, woven texture, web (also fig., ‘a multitude’, e. g. of tears running down the cheeks &c.), [ŚBr. xiv, 6, 11, 3] ; [R.] ; [Suśr.] ; [Śak.] ; [Ragh.] ; [Ṛtus.]
   (ifc.), [Kathās.]
   a lattice, eyelet, [Pañcat. iii, 7, 40]
  m. a lattice-window (m., [L.] ), [Śiś. ix, 39]
   a bundle of buds, [Megh.] ; [Mālav. v, 4]
-मालिन्   ‘a kind of pearl-ornament’ See
   a nest, [L.]
   a plantain, [L.]
   illusion, [L.]
   pride, [L.]
जालक  m. m.N. of a tree, [BhP. viii, 2, 18]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
जालक  n.  (-कं)
   1. A bud, a germ.
   2. An unblown flower.
   3. A nest.
   4. A net.
   5. Pride.
   6. A plantain, the fruit.
   7. Multitude, assemblage. m. (-कः) A window, a lattice, a loop or eyelet-hole.
  f.  (-लिका)
   1. Armour, chain armour.
   2. A kind of cloth or raiment, woollen cloth.
   3. A leech.
   4. A window.
   5. Iron.
   E. जाल, and कन् added, or जल् to enclose, वुन् aff.
जाल कन् जल् वुन्

Related Words

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