तु 1.cl. 2. (तौति, [Dhātup.] ; fut. 2nd तोता or तविता, [Vop.] ) to have authority, be strong, [RV. i, 94, 2] (pf. तूतावcf. [Naigh. iv, 1] ; [Pāṇ. 6-1, 7] ; [Kāś.] ); to go, [Dhātup.] ; to injure, ib. : Caus. (aor. तूतोत्, 2. sg. °तोस्) to make strong or efficient, [RV. ii, 20, 5; vi, 26, 4] ; cf. उत्-, सं-; तव॑स्, &c., तीव्र॑; तु [Zd. tav, ‘to be able’; Lat. tumour, tueri, totus.] तु n. 2.ind. (never found at the beginning of a sentence or verse; metrically also तू॑, [RV.] ; cf. [Pāṇ. 6-3, 133] ) pray! I beg, do, now, then, Lat. dum used (esp. with the Imper. ), [RV.] एव but (also with or वै॑ following), [AV. iv, 18, 6] ; [TS.] ; [ŚBr.] &c. and, [Mn. ii, 22] or, i, 68; xi, 202 नु often incorrectly written for , MBh. i, 6151 B. and C. ) sometimes used as a mere expletive च — न तु though — still not न — अपि तु not — but न च — अपि तु not — but कामं — तु though — still कामं च — तु though — still किं तु though — still कामं — न तु it is true — but not, ere - than भूयस् — न तु it is true — but not, ere — than वरम् — न तु it is true — but not, ere - than किं तु still, nevertheless न — परं तु not — however तु — तु certainly — but, [Hit. i, 2, 33.]